Artistic Catalog: Maristella Angeli, Virtual Art Exhibition "Sguardi dell'anima"

Artistic Catalog: Maristella Angeli, Virtual Art Exhibition "Sguardi dell'anima"

Critical texts, Italy, Roma, 31 August 2020
My three paintings, with the critical commentary by Elisabetta La Rosa, art historian and curator of the Virtual Art Exhibition "Sguardi dell'anima" in the Art Catalog.
Maristella Angeli, included in the magazine "Biancoscuro Art Magazine # 33"

Maristella Angeli, included in the magazine "Biancoscuro Art Magazine # 33"

News, Italy, Macerata, 01 April 2019
Two of my paintings "The shape of the clouds" and "Nemesis", with the critical review by Salvatore Russo, were published in "Biancoscuro Art Magazine # 33", April-May 2019, p. 59. Salvatore Russo A...Read all