Arte a Palazzo, XVth edition of International exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Photography
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 25 November 2016
Farini Concept Gallery organizes the 15th edition of "Arte a Palazzo", in the XVIth century residence of Palazzo Fantuzzi, in the historical centre of Bologna.
The international exhibition will take place from 25th November to 7th December 2016 and it will be open to Artists from all over the world. We will also produce our prestigious catalog that will be received at the Library of Art History and Aesthetic of the "Carlo Bo" University of Urbino.
Guest of honor will be Vittorio Sgarbi.
As the past edition, we will expose in our private room works of historicized Artists such as Crippa, Dorazio and others foreigner Artists.
We will also continue the selection for the participation to the international events like ArteFiera Bologna, Art Basel and Frieze London.
for any information write to or call 0039 334 8485213

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