Life on Mars
Exhibitions, Italy, Napoli, 31 March 2017
"Life on Mars" by Maurizio Barretta
The gallery Salvatore Serio is pleased to host the exhibition, Life on Mars, Mauritius Barretta
text written by Mario Francesco Simeone
Friday, March 31, 18:00
Elusive signs on the surface of the sky
For those lucky astral coincidences that make you think, smiling, in the days in which you are preparing the exhibition of Maurizio Bar, is identified, forty light-years away, a new solar system lit by a small star brunette and seven rocky planets similar the Earth. This discovery marks a decisive gap in the imagination scale, not only by opening very broad scenarios in the evolution of science but also fascinating languages ​​of literature and art, those areas who have the task of mediating knowledge and disseminating knowledge, even the most specialized.
Maurizio Bar, for his scientific training in astronomy, has direct experience of those "signs elusive under heaven", caeli subter labentia signa. With this circumlocution that even today, without reading metric, resounds with solemn and poetic echoes, Lucretius recognized the distant consistency, labile, supernal, stars. The great poet and philosopher born between Pompeii and Herculaneum in 94 BC, at a time when the language of astronomy was still full of lyrical charm, used the term signa or sign, statue, password, image, omen, astro, difficult to reconstruct the semantic affinity but is suggestive imagine a correspondence between the different meanings.
 For Maurizio Finger codes are the stars of a story is as much in memory as Space, signs proceeding from the abysmal distances and glide toward the work, introverted and extroverted extension, smooth surface, deep and irregular, like a planet yet unknown yet so familiar, full of ruts, ravines, ruins and dry oceans. So, geometries and materials overlap, between earthy colors and depth opalescent, heightening the visual and tactile density of the board, as symbols which, for us, recall precise meanings but which, on the side opposite of the Universe, some may interpret and remember who knows what other reasons.
Mario Francesco Simeone
"Life on Mars", exhibition by Maurizio Barretta
31 March to 10 - April 2017
Gallery Salvatore Serio
Via Oberdan, 8
Hours from Monday to Saturday
10: 30-13: 00/16: 30-19: 30

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