Pietas Morbi Marco Iannaccone / Scarlet Lovejoy
Exhibitions, Italy, Napoli, 26 January 2017
AFTER HIS staff at the Pan Naples, Marco Iannaccone (aka Scarlet Lovejoy) returns to the Galleria Salvatore Serio to continue discussion of the United Nations.
It will present to the public by addressing, through the art of photography and An artistic performance entitled "Each man kills the thing he loves", human issues and Social.
Careful probing of Reality, we are sure That this time Scarlet Will he be involved Spectators, Taking birth and Comparisons New Reflections on the World and What We live on Problems That day we are forced to face.

pietas Morbi
In the course of the weave Life Our destiny What OTHER. Very often we seek in others' behavior of the affinity of Special Signs That Rendano them deserving to Fulfill Their journey to Our Side. We delight Our Existence of Smiles, hugs, pats of relatives, friends and boyfriends. They create with Our World and raise the mighty walls to defend it. Everything is fortified, nothing CAN and MUST disturbing the peace What So hardly WE BUILT and obtained. THESE are the wishes everyone THESE common ambitions. Unfortunately, At Times, The reality overbearing emergence and shows His Side More Cruel. That love betray and turn, Diseases That took over suddenly awaken from a dream Sweeter.
The pure symbiosis, Ai ties sincere, the metamorphosis of the Human psyche Scarlet dedicating the performance HIS "Each man kills the thing he loves." The artist wants to show us the lapels More raw and painful relations of THESE, WHEN Because an adverse event occurs are more parts to suffer. We hide behind Smiles and phrases Asked to give courage, to give a surge of strength to those who are suffering, but in reality we are unarmed, ravaged, petrified and terribly frightened. Even love Draw deep scars. And a hard hit for Lovers see each Rejected and wounded. This Feeling, That the poets sang to come the more noble for men, can be stained, turn into pulses and distant actions Since its original purity. Fear of Being Abandoned deals a hard hit in the soul Human.
So we just have to Wait for the inauguration of the exhibition for the artist Discover How To transmit this message of spectators.

"I could Write me a text to a curator of art but I do not think That could Avessé Write down What I have tried it and lived in THESE months Because only I know the pain and anguish imprisoned That I Have The Heart During the months of Stephen's disease.
WHEN A dear person gets sick, not solo she gets sick, you get sick you too. More ad Can not Be calm, do not Can more a laugh as before and if you do not It a natural smile but a forced smile and hides a bit 'of melancholy.
The thoughts must always be there. You have no way out. Not EXIT well. Do you feel torn and obsessively returns usual thinking "We'll make it?"
I Spent the summer months Hoping That did not do too hot to not see it weakened from the chemotherapy and by the heat, I spent a Time Count the days What separated him from the pause period between A and the other chemo and Tablets That Each Day had to swallow, I spent the time That Hoping to pass soon to see him recover and look better.
I lived as a silhouette in the mirror. I lived in my own world where there was no present but solo Future where andarmi to flee.
Fortunately he did not Won despair but the desire not to give up and to convince the sick Think of a person in greeting.
WE Traveled, we went out and we did everything that normally did in periods Tranquilli.
I pretended That was all right.
There sono stati moments of weakness and tears welled From my eyes As dry leaves in autumn but inside I was the light of spring and I felt that sooner or later everything would be over.
Fortunately there have been Also many laughs and a lot of irony who hath Done deal all in confident manner.
Time and flew as a violent whirlwind What slamming us everywhere altering Our states of mind based on your State of Health and scaraventandoci the much agonizing day of the RESULT of tac.
Once we tried.
RESULT negative. He was clinically healed.
We Remained petrified.
It 'strange state. We could not enjoy it. He came in storm and Staying Quit dazed by the United Nations sea. We STATES quietly and in silence we got home to come if nothing grave.

My photographic project and consists of 16 photos.
And not a report but a visionary and surreal journey into the world of the disease. "

Marco Iannaccone / Scarlet Lovejoy

"I was mentally and temperamentally far from the" disease entity ", I rejected the very idea that one day I could consider myself" sick ", then one night, so suddenly, drama, an event that left me petrified and dismay, a burden heavier and bulkier than a boulder ... ..quel blood copious, foul-smelling, lumpy I had expelled me from my body and I did not seem possible that it came from me.
Within a few days, overwhelmed by events that seemed unreal, I faced tests, invasive procedures, a devastating surgery and then a tiring and debilitating postoperative course with my body that turned day after day bearing the marks of scars, starvation, suffering, and then, finally, the harsh judgment of having to undergo several cycles of chemotherapy.
My day is now marked by the Protocol of the IV, of the many tablets, from melee undertaken against cancer cells and against the side effects of many drugs obliged to accept; and being confronted daily with the abnormal responses of the body and with the looming presence of a depressive state that is there around the corner ...
The shots artist Marco Iannaccone Scarlet Lovejoy brilliantly capture the drama of the event, the suffering and devastation on the body and face in a chronological order of events also growing with the awareness, however, that in dramatic moments like these closeness, presence, the affection of a person able to welcome you, to support you, to hug you are capable of making the pain and discomfort more bearable ".

pietas Morbi
photographic project and artistic performance "Each man kills the thing he loves" Marco Iannaccone / Scarlet Lovejoy

From January 26 to February 4, 2017
Vernissage Thursday, January 26, 18:00
Salvatore Serio Art gallery
Via Oberdan 8, Naples

gallery Hours
Monday to Saturday 10:30 to 13:00 / 16:30 to 19:30

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