In the last period she has introduced the use of digital prints of photographs taken personally, as an alternative medium to matters that normally use, on which she act in a graphic and pictorial way, exploring new possibilities of expression
Images in the exhibition reflect her artistic research that is combined with a meeting with the various spiritual traditions, particularly Buddhist. The exhibition also includes the artwork Love Natural Tendency on wood panels, which refers to the spontaneous tendency to love that unites all beings, and the link between the spiritual traditions of India and in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in particular.
It 'a show that will enrich and complement during the festival, because the artist will work on site in the presence of visitors.
Patrizia Garberi is graduated Accademy of Fine Arts, Master of Meditation and Buddhist philosophy and Techniques of Cognitive Psychology graduate student in.
In parallel with her artistic research, and her exhibition schedule, offers training courses pathways to support individual or group, which integrates the techniques of expression and relaxation, meditation and imagery, such as methods of nonverbal communication appropriate to maintain and restore global wellbeing, and manage particular issues such as stress, anxiety and difficulty in concentration.
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