disordine e progresso
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 14 October 2009
solo show at piazza colonna roma, exibition about brazilian influences in an european painter. brazilian energy and european culture. the main theme is the amazon fortest and nature in general which needs to be preserved . The style has some modernistic influences but it just to use the energy of postmodernist art united with the irony and criticism of contemporary art,. Modernism is stricly linked with the faith in technological progression. My concern with ecological issues is strong therefore i praise for a sustanable devellopment in opposition to adevellopment for the sake of it. but this moral way of seing life is not supposed to be gloomy. life is hard but as i learned in brazil we ve to pull ourselves and embrace life when it is hard and even when is beautiful. no diffrences between bad or good just disorder and progress

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