Duration of the exhibition: one month, from October 23, November 22 at the Museum “Casa del Conte Verde” Rivoli, Torino (TO).The works to be exhibited (maximum of 50) will be screened and chosen by the commission of European art experts and will have to be closely related to the theme of the Great War, all the other works that do not meet the theme will be excluded from participation in the competition of "The Great War". At the end of the competition will be awarded 3 art works. Awards: Critics Prize; Audience Award and Art Experts Prize. All the artists will receive a certificate of participation.
By a rough calculation of the exhibition rooms the artists are required to produce a 50cm x 70cm work. The contemporary art exhibition will be on the sideline of the exhibition "Songs of the Homeland" created through the exhibition of ancient original scores of patriotic songs on the occasion of the Commemoration of the First World War.
The Association European Union Experts of art, for this important historical and cultural event got the patronage by numerous government agencies overexposed and will use only the InArte Gallery partnership's to select artists who will be part of this important centenary memorial.
To get more info send a request at the following emails: info@inartegallery.it or expo@inartegallery.it
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