Prize calls, Italy, Roma, 23 September 2014
The project Heart | Art: art with heart, argues through a series of exhibitions and initiatives, various projects of solidarity and development in favor of Uganda.
The cycle of this year, titled "BIG (H) UG:" Art and Music in a big hug for Uganda ", provides for the selection of artists for an exhibition in the various disciplines and contemporary media.
The protagonist of the first exhibition in the calendar will be "the kiss" that has always been a form of communication ageless. Not only passion, but also tenderness, friendship, greeting, affection. A great event to explore this gesture of a thousand meanings from the canvas to pexiglass to collage and photographic images, will offer the public a new contribution in the name of art.
To participate in the selection, simply send an artwork in JPG (with no size limit and technique) with a short biography and contact details of contact:
The initiative, part of "a weekend of author" has as its deadline for submissions December 20, 2014.

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