Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, 23 April 2022
The Pavilion of the Republic of San Marino at the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia will be hosted from 23 April to 27 November 2022 in the Renaissance spaces of Palazzo Donà Dalle Rose (Fondamenta Nove, Cannaregio 5038, Venice).
Participation in the Biennale Arte 2022 was strongly desired by the State Secretariat for Education and Culture, University and Scientific Research, Youth Policies of the Republic of San Marino. In this regard, the Secretary of State Andrea Belluzzi declared: «San Marino wants to present itself at this important event as a territory rich in cultural ferment, friend of artists and supporter of different forms of art. After two years of health emergency and deprivation, it is time to give space to creativity and beauty. The Republic of San Marino is ready».
The project, supervised by Commissioner Riccardo Varini and curated by Vincenzo Rotondo, is called Metamorphic Posthuman in reference to man’s natural tension towards the future, between possible transformations and new forms of existence and coexistence.
Eight artists are invited to exhibit their works in the San Marino pavilion: Elisa Cantarelli, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Endless, Michelangelo Galliani, Rosa Mundi, Roberto Paci Dalò, Anne-Cécile Surga, Michele Tombolini. The selection was made by a scientific committee composed of Alessandro Bianchini, Roberto Felicetti, Cristian Contini, Fulvio Granocchia, Pasquale Lettieri, James Putnam, Riccardo Varini, Angela Vettese.
«The Pavilion – declares Commissioner Riccardo Varini – will host contributions from San Marino, Italian, French and English artists, to promote the country system through contemporary art, with a view to comparison and international openness. In response to the requests of the artistic director of the Biennale Arte 2022, Cecilia Alemani, it was decided to deepen the proposed theme (body and metamorphosis, individual/technology and individual/nature relationship) on different levels: from language to reflection on the present, up to work of art in its making. Palazzo Donà Dalle Rose, home of the exhibition, is an example of this concept. It itself represents different dimensions and souls, material and immaterial, which are handed down from the past and merge into the present, combining the permanence of the ancient city with the innovative vision of the modern one. Spaces, people and communities of artists, thinkers, critics and operators in the sector come together in a single message of enhancement of art which has the task of asking questions, in particular on the future relationship we want to strive between man and nature, and to suggest solutions, criticizing the present and anticipating the future».
«Human life – explains the curator Vincenzo Rotondo – is fragile like that of all other living beings, but over time mankind has acquired skills and knowledge to overcome this fragility. In the evolutionary path of the species, the material dimension of knowing how to do and modify has often left room for the immaterial dimension of the dream: the ancient dream of extending life, healing diseases, implementing the metamorphosis of one body into another. Biotechnologies are progressively turning this desire into reality. What then is the human boundary and what are the limits imposed by nature? Is it still possible to link personal identity and species identity? In our Microcosmic dimension, do we still feel a deep relationship with Nature / Macrocosm? The Metamorphic Posthuman that we like to glimpse in our near future will be able to interact with the reference Macrocosm, imagining other forms of coexistence and transformation and to create new and alternative conditions of existence with respect to those we are used to today».
Elisa Cantarelli presents WRP WITHout esSENZA, curated by Pasquale Lettieri. The installation draws on the experience gained by the artist with the We are Plastic project, aimed at raising public awareness on the issue of sustainability through collective action. For Metamorphic Posthuman, the bottle takes on a new meaning, transforming itself from a container object to an element rich in content. In fact, a curtain of bottles invites the user to enter a suspended space where they can start their own metamorphosis. Born in Fidenza (PR) in 1981, Elisa Cantarelli lives and works in London, working with art galleries in Italy and Japan.
Nicoletta Ceccoli and Roberto Paci Dalò present the Risvegli project, curated by Vincenzo Rotondo. With her paintings, populated by fantastic creatures and symbols, Ceccoli tells a new communion with the non-human, with the animal and with the earth, enhancing a sense of affinity between species. Visual and sound artist, Paci Dalò, on the other hand, builds alchemical fairy tales capable of evoking the myth present in our daily life. A "multiphony" in which human, plant, animal and mineral find themselves. Nicoletta Ceccoli was born in 1973 in the Republic of San Marino, where she still lives and works. Numerous international exhibitions and collaborations with the publishing world. Born in Rimini in 1962, Roberto Paci Dalò is a Unirsm teacher, an expert at the European Commission and a member of the New European Bauhaus design group.
Endless presents The Endless Transfiguration, curated by Pasquale Lettieri. A monumental installation that claims the importance and resilience of nature, combining it with the human technological process. An imperfect journey towards a respectful and harmonious future, with unlimited physical possibilities and an abundance of innovative creativity. Endless is a London artist who blends contemporary and street art techniques and practices. His works, present in important collections around the world, explore humanity's relationship with fashion, advertising, the cult of the brand, consumerism and celebrity culture.
Michelangelo Galliani presents An Imperfect Garden, curated by Pasquale Lettieri. Born from a reflection on what humanity represents in relation to the environment in which it lives, the project involves the insertion of fragments from a large statuary marble sculpture – testimony of a lost civilization – inside a basin of water with golden branches. An NFT file will be the only proof of what the work was before its destiny was fulfilled. Michelangelo Galliani was born in 1975 in Montecchio Emilia (RE), where he lives and works. Sculptor and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, he won the Franco Cuomo International Award.
Rosa Mundi presents Posology Humanity’s Time, curated by Angela Vettese. The work is accompanied by critical texts by Maria Abramenko, Guido Brivio, Gian Camillo Custoza, Andrea Guastella, James Putnam, and Susanna Ravelli. Rosa Mundi, using recycled materials, develops the theme of the Metamorphic Posthuman with an articulated installation that traces the evolution of man in his transition from a herbivorous mammalian animal, to Homo sapiens, until he believes he’s transforming into a geological force, capable of changing the normal evolutionary course of the planet. Her works are part of important public and private collections; she has also created numerous theatrical sets.
Anne-Cécile Surga presents Body Memories – Matter Memories, curated by Pasquale Lettieri. The project focuses on the theme of the body, intended as a means through which to experience the world. Her bodies, carved in marble, are able to reactivate emotions and be reactivated by them; bodies free from laws and legal, religious and social expectations. Born in 1987 in Lavelanet, France, Anne-Cécile Surga trained in the United States and at the Fundacion Pablo Atchugarry in Uruguay. Her work, exhibited internationally, is part of the collections of the MUST Museum in Vimercate (MB) and the Fundación AMA (Santiago de Chile).
Michele Tombolini presents Digital Humanity, curated by Pasquale Lettieri. The project proposes, through five works on canvas with digital inserts, a reflection on the condition of the human being, after the advent of a technology as advanced as it is alienating, capable of questioning the very foundation of reality. Painter and sculptor, not new to street art interventions, Tombolini was born in Venice in 1963. After participating in the 2013 Biennale Arte and moving to Berlin, his research takes on a more conceptual direction, so much so that the idea and the social message become cornerstones of his production.
Further information on San Marino's national participation in the Biennale Arte 2022, organized by FR Institute of Contemporary Art in collaboration with Cris Contini Contemporary, are available at the addresses: www.biennaleveneziasanmarino.com, Facebook @biennaleveneziasanmarino, Instagram @biennalevenezia_sanmarino. Official Hashtags: #biennaleveneziasanmarino - #postumanometamorfico.

Pavilion of the Republic of San Marino
59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Title: Postumano Metamorfico
Location: Palazzo Donà Dalle Rose, Fondamenta Nove, Cannaregio 5038, Venice
Dates: 23 April – 27 November 2022
Exhibitors: Elisa Cantarelli, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Endless, Michelangelo Galliani, Rosa Mundi, Roberto Paci Dalò, Anne-Cécile Surga, Michele Tombolini
Commissioner: Riccardo Varini
Curator: Vincenzo Rotondo
Scientific Commitee: Alessandro Bianchini, Roberto Felicetti, Cristian Contini, Fulvio Granocchia, Pasquale Lettieri, James Putnam, Riccardo Varini, Angela Vettese
Organization: FR Istituto d’Arte Contemporanea, Cris Contini Contemporary
Project manager: Sandra Sanson
Graphic project: Rovai Weber Design
Setting up of the show: Alfa Production, Baglietto Marine Steel, Aldo Cichero Design
Consulting: Alfredo Varone
Nomadic exhibition in the lagoon: Zepeling, Motonavi Giro Libero
Fashion show: Elisabetta Franchi
With the support of: Segreteria di Stato per l’Istruzione e la Cultura, FR Art Collection, Cris Contini Contemporary, Fondazione Donà dalle Rose, Comac International AM, Elenka, CEFI, Art Style Magazine, Amoretti, D'Amico D&D Italia
Additional support: Alluminio Sammarinese, Baulificio Italiano Sorelle Roncato, Fondazione Orestiadi, Museo delle Trame Mediterranee, Università degli Studi di San Marino, Usmaradio
Catalogue: Peruzzo Grafiche
Catering and staff: Istituti Scolastici Iervolino
Technical support: Antonella Modica Architect
Press office and social media: CSArt – Comunicazione per l’Arte, Frequenzagrafica
Opening by invitation: Friday 22 April, 5 PM - 12 AM
Hours: from 23 April to 25 September 11.00AM - 7.00PM, from 27 September to 27 November 10.00AM - 6.00PM, closed on Mondays (except Monday 25 April, 30 May, 27 June, 25 July, 15 August, 5 September, 19 September, 31 October, 21 November)
Hashtag: #biennaleveneziasanmarino - #postumanometamorfico

Sandra Sanson
Project manager
M. +39 351 6971580 | project@biennaleveneziasanmarino.com
State Secretariat for Education and Culture
Contrada Omerelli 23, 47890 San Marino, Republic of San Marino
T. +378 0549 882146 | segreteria.istruzione@gov.sm
FR Institute of Contemporary Art Srl
Via 3 Settembre 89, 47891 Dogana, Republic of San Marino
T. +378 0549 963439 | dir.comm@fristitutodarte.com

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