The second edition of the International Competition INK AND SOUL (conceived and founded by Giusy Di Maria Cancemi) 2013/14 dedicated to the extraordinary Franca Viola
Prize calls, Italy, Siracusa, 20 January 2013
The Cultural Association " The Caravan of Artists "
constituted by Pamela Li Manni , Cancemi Giusy Di Maria Cetta Lentinello and Gianluca Pipitò presents:

The second edition of the International Competition
INK AND SOUL (conceived and founded by Giusy Di Maria Cancemi ) 2013/14
dedicated to the extraordinary Franca Viola, born in 1947 in Alcamo , in the province of Trapani, where he still lives today.
It 's the first woman to have reported a rape in Italy , in 1966. Courageous woman who defied the mob refusing to marry the man who raped her . It ' an event that aims to raise awareness on violence against women and the social order .

when , through poetry , the soul takes shape.

The space of Facebook dedicated to the arts and entertainment , books and literature ( )
in the figures of Giusy Cancemi , Cetta Lentinello , Pamela Li Manni and Gianluca Pipitò
announces the second edition of the International Literary Contest in Italian
Prize Anthology " INK AND SOUL ", dedicated to Franca Viola, 2013/2014


1 . There are three sections:

a) Single Poetry free theme : it participates with three poems , each of which must not exceed 28 lines .

b ) Poetry single theme " woman I have my " contest has three poems , each of which must not exceed 28 lines .

c ) Text narrative on any subject, or to combat violence against women : you are participating with a short essay of no more than four folders , A / 4 format , size 14 , line spacing 2 .

2 . Authors can compete around the world , with texts in Italian only . The texts must be unpublished and you can participate in all three sections.

3 . The participation fee is 10 € , to be paid on the BankAccount n.001015998014
The sending of writings with the full name on the sidelines with respect to name, address and telephone number , and a brief bibliographical note inserted in the texts sent , must be submitted no later than 30/04/2014 by post mail, with an attached word document and proof of payment to the following e -mail:

4 . Contestants declare by implication that the texts presented in their composition are unknown , and accept all the rules governing this contest.

5 . Prizes consist in the publication edition limited edition containing all the works that have found a favorable opinion of the members of the Board of reading.
Selected authors will be notified , whose works will be antologizzate , which will be required , which occurred in the final results of the Committee of reading , buying at least one copy of the ' Anthology which will have a cover price 10 € . For each category will be chosen a winner, who will receive a plaque of the prize awarded to the top three , along with a copy dell'Antologia . In the case of special merit (at the discretion of the jury ) do not exclude scrolls prize to writers who were not ranked in the top three .
In the absence of any of the participants or delegates at the closing night of the award will be sent all at home, at the expense of the Secretariat of the Prize.
The money that you will derive from the anthologies will be donated to the " Anti-Violence Network Centers " founded and directed by Raffaella Mauceri and all the associations that participate in the event literature.
The committee, chaired by Raffaella Mauceri , President of the Regional Coordination Sicilian Women against violence , is composed of:
Journalist -editor , Raffaella Mauceri , editorial coordinator eastern Sicily , Santina Giannone ; correspondent for Il Giornale di Sicilia , Sebastian Diamond , freelance , Francesca De Michele , Gabriella Tiralongo Lawyer , Attorney Teresa Nicastro , poet and writer for the magazine cultural " the Awakening of Hebe ," Rosalba Di Vona , Professor , University of Palermo , Manlio Corselli ; Dean John Blanco , Professor Privitera Santa and the technical director Aldo Di Carlo de La Sicilia .

6 . The Authors present in the Anthology will be dedicated at least three pages with the publication of all submitted jobs (the three poems, and / or narrative text ) and a short bibliographical note .

7 . The authors remain owners of the rights to their works, without prejudice to the above publication , for which they can not claim any compensation.

8 . The awards ceremony will take place on the evening of Saturday, September 27, 2014 , in a public place in the province of Syracuse. Wide publicity will be given to the competition and its final evening is open to all authors , and also to the public .

9 . Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the privacy law 675 / 96 and subsequent amendments.

10 . The entries received will be canceled after the publication , or after the end of this competition .

11 . The whole operation of the contest does not provide for profit. The proceeds in excess of all organizational expenses and those of the printing of the ' Anthology will be donated to the " Anti-Violence Network Centers " founded and directed by Raffaella Mauceri and other similar associations that support us .

For more information, write on Facebook, the page of the Caravan of Artists, or to 'address the group's official

Please spread the ban in every possible space .

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