Artist, Torino, Italy, joined 11 years ago
Exhibitions, Italy, Verbania, Piedimulera, 26 October 2019
Three brothers, three artists, Cen, Gion and Paca Ronco, who grew up together "centuries ago" in Turin but for years away geographically and by paths, today together in a single exhibition, with amaze...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Verbania, Piedimulera, 11 May 2019
Penelope's canvas, the park's spindle, the Ariadne's thread, the canvas of Arachne, the thread of the necessity of Ananké represent the world of weaving; all female activities. The activities of the r...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Verbania, 03 April 2015
Path of Art in Trarego Viggiona- Verbania