Exhibitions, Italy, Brescia, 08 February 2014
The different souls of the two artists and their world , between social realism and politics , everyday life and eros , landscapes and still lifes , ladies and generals , and who never failed to shine through public engagement and imagination , rigor and reality.
By Andrea Barretta
Preparation of Richard Prevosti
The idea for a link between Enrico Baj and Guttuso , two artists from different generations , we find it in the book that sees them co-authors , in 1987 , titled " Fantasy and Reality " (published by Rizzoli ) , conversations between ideas , fashions and characters of the twentieth century Italian with some detour in Paris and New York. The prologue tells us that July 26, 1986 " eleven o'clock Baj comes from Guttuso Velate , near Varese. Guttuso is in the study, which paints a watermelon split in two juxtaposed with a mug . Baj gives him the manuscript of their conversations recorded in September of the previous year " and paginated in the book. " Then , as if to bring together words and speeches of signs and images, are put to draw together. (...) Head-to- head as if they were playing cards, as part of Cézanne, Baj and Guttuso draw and continue to follow the thread of their talk : David and Courbet, Man Ray and Picasso ... " . But for two painters seem far away in the personal and artistic pursuits that the title of the book well expressed by assigning the " fantasy " Baj and the "reality" to Guttridge, here is a chance to get to discover commonality at least for the art and passion argumentation on painting, and collectible market , through their personal experiences of the protagonists in the history of modernity.
Guttuso (1911-1987) , a native of Bagheria (Palermo), who arrived in Rome in 1937, where he came into contact with the front of the figurative " Roman School " , and Enrico Baj ( 1924-2003 ) was born in Milan , considered one of the main exponents of the fifties of the twentieth century : no more different and yet if the first painted subjects and popular themes ( farmers , washerwomen , loggers , laborers ) , and is present in the strong debate on the social realism and political interference the other reflects a power struggle and fights against the authoritarianism that complaint opposing the bourgeois conventions and the socio-political situations . Not only that . Guttuso will move to Milan and will adhere to "Current" . Express his being a politically active artist as a member of the Communist Party ( its logo ) and joined the Resistance , will be Senator for two terms (1976 and 1979) and one of the founders of the artistic movement " Fronte Nuovo delle Arti " while Baj, intellectual civil commitment against all forms of violence , which inspired more by dada surrealism , he founded years after the nuclear movement and maintains relations with Marcel Duchamp , Yves Klein, Max Ernst , but also with Lucio Fontana and Piero Manzoni.
If the production of Guttuso remain faithful to a style between realistic figurative imagery often autobiographical material consistency by using a paint -soaked everyday experiences , that since the beginning of Baj takes the technique of the " collage " , with the use of trimmings, ribbons , buttons, in a fantasy " playful and sometimes grotesque . Not only that . In a way, even in Guttuso we recognize the technique of assembly , right to observe some of his works , especially more evident in those of large size , ranging according to a logic of assembly of parts separated from each other , in putting together the construction of the content.
If Guttuso scenes is politically connoted as " Partisan murdered ", " Child on the monster " and the " Comice neighborhood " in 1975 and " Funeral of Togliatti ", where the red flags of contrasts and emerges on the grays and whites of the faces of those present , here Baj well as in " Dame " and "General" , as "politically " is characterized in "The funeral of the Anarchist Pinelli " (1972 ), in " Nixon 's Parade " (1974 ) and "Apocalypse " of 1979 to demonstrate a common commitment in years a symbol of social, political and cultural . And provocatively adorned his "figures" with garish and gaudy medals or ribbons or whatever, because "being decorated , receiving a medal to hang on the chest, is the dream of everyone. Be general , commanders , professors, commanders , knights, able to issue orders , dispose of things and events , it is our innermost ambition. "
Enrico Baj has always maintained a sideline writing collaborating with " Phases" and " Il sole 24 ore " and "Corriere della sera" , and the publication of numerous books including " Pataphysics ", " learn to paint ", " Ecology of art. " " All things , facts, people." In addition, it has always been in contact with members of the international literary and artistic and with them he made ​​artist's books with multiple editions in addition to collaboration with André Breton, Marcel Duchamp , Edoardo Sanguineti and Umberto Eco. It founded in 1954 , with the Dane Asger Jorn ( one of the promoters of the Cobra ), the " International Movement for a Bauhaus Imagist " , bringing together some of the first experimental artists in the spirit of the "Bauhaus " . Guttuso also has relations with people of culture and gave speeches in newspapers and periodicals , publishing in one volume, " craft painter ," a selection of tracks from the diary.
Considered the greatest exponent of realism , Guttridge load institutional alternated other subjects such as still life ( as in innovative Cézanne and cubism ) and existential landscapes , warm colors and expressionistic of his land , from lemon yellow to green vegetables , underlined from bright blues and black to surround the space. Then the women , preference in his artistic life , as outlined in their natural femininity . He said that "painting is not difficult," but that it was "thinking " because " paint is to be inspired by what you see and you think , what you will discover ."
Baj notes during the conversation with Guttuso : "You paint the visible, I paint the imaginary. You run the risk of copying, I arbitrariness . " So two cultural and personal stories are different , in the end, a common ground in their risk , " that the art of today , with its unstable mode , its arbitrariness , its superficiality , cuts the link between the painter and the public , makes it impossible to read the work to the viewer . " And both say that the art of imagination or realism , " as one thing can not be separated : from its being communication." On this basis, common Baj and Guttuso you are aiming perfectly.
Andrea Barretta

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