Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 02 October 2023
International collective exhibition of contemporary art curated by Sandro Bongiani with the participation of 75 artists and 128 works archived in the Bongiani Art Museum of Salerno for a sociological investigation on the current situation of contemporary art.

The Sandro Bongiani Arte Contemporanea Gallery is pleased to inaugurate the international collective exhibition entitled: LiberaMente “Is Contemporary Art a Prison? at the Sandro Bongiani Vrspace space. For this new project curated by Sandro Bongiani. we resumed the work carried out in a seminar organized in Palermo by Luigi Russo way back in 1982, of a sort of deliberately provocative "sociological" investigation. From that seminar the contributions of Mario Perniola, Ermanno Migliorini, Enrico Crispolti and the philosopher Jean Baudrillard emerged in which, all in agreement, they believed that art can also be a prison. The philosopher Mario Perniola, for the occasion, wrote "art is a prison, because artists are jailers; they keep creativity imprisoned which could manifest itself in society with richness of forms and expressions", specifying, "the prison for the false avant-garde is society, its abstract planned order".

Why this new project after the one activated in 1976 by the Argentine artist Horacio Zabala, because we believe that the situation has profoundly changed after more than 50 years. Today, the art proposed by the official and global cultural system is specifically planned according to a mere economic return for both the gallery owner and the artist and also by the curator on duty who prefers to be useful to the system by accepting the role of subordinate condition. In fact - writes Sandro Bongiani - "today's official art expressly adapts to pre-packaged commercial tactics and fashions, producing objects that are often of little importance which obviously the subservient criticism tries in every way to validate by giving motivations of various kinds to justify the necessary quality which often does not exist in the works". The precise report of this investigation is contextually highlighted in the presentation in which a precise analysis is made of what has changed in recent decades in the global panorama and often monotonous of the official contemporary art system.

Preview /AMACI – Saturday 7 October 2023 at 6.00 pm - The event takes part in the nineteenth contemporary day promoted by AMACI - Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums.

75 important contemporary artists present at this international exhibition:
Rahsan Akarsu, Kayscri - Turkey I Alessandra Angelini, Trivolzio - Italy I Franco Ballabeni, Colico - Italy I Beatrice Basile, Cassano Allo Ionio - Italy I John M. Bennett, Columbus - USA I Guy Bleus, Tongeren - Belgium I Giovanni Bonanno, Salerno - Italy I Marzia Braglia, Rivara (San Felice sul Panaro) - Italy I Mirta Caccaro, Dueville - Italy I Alfonso Caccavale, Afragola - Italy I Guido Capuano, Inspica - Italy I Lamberto Caravita, Massa Lombarda - Italy I Christiane Carrè, Cosne- sur-Loire - France I Bruno Cassaglia, Quiliano - Italy I Maria Castillo - Argentina I Claudia Catanzaro - Argentina I Francesca Cenciarini, Senigallia - Italy I Alexander Charistos, Vienna - Austria I Ryosuke Cohen, Ashiya City - Japan I Maria Credidio, San Demetrio C. - Italy I Nicolò D'Alessandro, Palermo - Italy I Antonio De Marchi Gherini, Gera Lario - Italy I Michel Della Vedova, Limoges - France I Fabio Di Ojuara, Cearà-Mirim - Brazil I Marcello Diotallevi, Fano - Italy I Domenico Ferrara Foria, Foria - Italy I Maria Gagliardi, Capua - Italy I Rosalie Gancie, Hyattsville - USA I Ombretta Gazzola, Corigliano - Rossano - Italy I Coco Gordon, Lions - Colorado USA I Rosa Gravino, Canada de Gomez - Argentina I Dr. Klaus Groh, Oldenburg - Germany I Paolo Gubinelli, Florence - Italy I Guroga - Venezuela I Uwe Hofig, Erfurt - Germany I Benedetta Iandolo, Bologna - Italy I Miguel Jimenez, Sevilla - Spain I Dragan Jukic, Bad Aibling - Germany I Alfonso Lentini, Belluno - Italy I Silvana Leonardi, Rome - Italy I Alexander Limarev, Novosibirsk - Russia I Gabi Minedi, Sant'Omero - Italy I Oronzo Liuzzi, Corato - Italy I Maya Lopez Muro San Giovanni Valdarno - Italy I Virginie Loreau, Herry - France I Serse Luigetti, Perugia - Italy I Ruggero Maggi, Milan - Italy I Noemi Marotta, Naples, Academy of Fine Arts of Naples - Italy I Christophe Massè - France I Michelangelo Mayo, San Josè - California USA I Mauro Molinari, Velletri - Italy I Emilio Morandi , Ponte Nossa - Italy I Keiichi Nakamura, Tokyo - Japan I Irina Novikova - Republic of Belarus I Franco Panella, Monreale - Italy I Anna Pezone Parete, Academy of Fine Arts of Naples - Italy I Laura Pintus, Cagliari - Italy I Pier Francesco Pusceddu , Mogoro, (Academy of Fine Arts ''Mario Sironi' of Sassari) - Italy I Rosella Quintini, Civitanova Marche - Italy I Jack Seiei, Tokyo - Japan I Maria Josè Silva - Mizè, Oliveira de Azeméis - Portugal I Lucia Spagnuolo, Civitanova Marche - Italy I Renata & Giovanni Strada, Ravenna - Italy I Ernesto Terlizzi, Angri - Italy I Giuseppina Testa, Trani, Academy of Fine Arts of Foggia - Italy I The Wasted Angel, Assebroek - Belgium I Horst Tress, Koln - Germany I Ilia Tufano, Naples - Italy I Ismail Utku, Rayseri - Turkey I Giorgio Vazza, Alpago - Italy I Stella Maria Velasco - Argentina I La Toan Vinh, Montreal - Canada I Daniele Virgilio, La Spezia - Italy I Chuck Welch (CrackerJack Kid), Peterborough - USA I Bernhard Zilling, Berlin - Germany.

Sandro Bongiani Contemporary Art
International Collective of Contemporary Art
edited by Sandro Bongiani
at the Sandro Bongiani Vrspace Gallery
from Monday 2 October to Saturday 16 December 2023
Opening Monday 2 October 2023 at 6pm
HOURS: every day from 00.00 to 24.00
EMAIL INFO: bongianimuseum@gmail.com

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