Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 23 July 2022
Press release

Sandro Bongiani Contemporary Art


An International Collective Exhibition shared in two galleries curated by Sandro Bongiani with the participation of 100 artists and 174 works for the 60th anniversary of the birth of Ray Johnson's Mail Art 1962 - 2022.

The Bongiani Art Museum Collection of Salerno is pleased to inaugurate at the Sandro Bongiani Vrspace gallery and in the Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery the international collective exhibition entitled: “Sustainable Marginal Relations Two / TODAY I MAILED A BANANA TO RAY JOHNSON FOR 59. BIENNNIAL INTERNATIONAL OF VENICE 2022 ". A project and an independent exhibition shared in two galleries, curated by Sandro Bongiani, with the participation of 100 artists and 174 works, for the 60th anniversary of the birth of Ray Johnson's Mail Art (1962-2022) and simultaneously with the event of the 59th Venice Biennale 2022. 60 years after the birth of Mail Art (1962) and after Ray Johnson's solo exhibition (1927-1995) entitled: "Ray Johnson, Sustainable Marginal Relations / One" with original and unpublished works that are part of the Coco Gordon Archive of Colorado (USA) and the international collective exhibition entitled: "Ray Johnson Project, Sustainable Marginal Relations" with 72 works from the Amazon Archive of Milan, an "add to & return" project created by Ruggero Maggi in 1987, Another event dedicated to the American artist Ray Johnson is organized by Sandro Bongiani. The project is inspired by a drawing by Ray Johnson executed in 1984 entitled: “Today I mailed a banana to Bill de Kooning” in which Ray Johnson sends Willem de Kooning a pop-conceptual banana. From this precise work the international event was born with the invitation to 100 contemporary international artists to treat the theme of the exotic fruit of the banana in a poetic key. In 1945 Ray Johnson left Detroit to attend Black Mountain College in North Carolina and during the next three years he came into contact with important artists such as Josef Albers, Jacob Lawrence, John Cage and Willem de Kooning. It was in 1984, while doing this work, that Ray Johnson changed the date from 1984 to 1948 (the year he attended) by sending this banana to Willem de Kooning. The international project dedicated to Ray Johnson conceived on the occasion and simultaneously with the 59th Venice Biennale 2022 aims to investigate the invention of the creative proposals of marginal artists, rather than the sarcasm and the amazing forcing of ideas brought to the fore by the official system of art, It is a clear response to the generic and pseudo-cultural proposals of many contemporary authors today and also a suggestion to seek creative invention rather than the nihilistic and theatrical ideas required by collectors and by the authoritarian system of the official market of bored art now enjoys financing proposals that have become the favorite social and economic game of the ruling financial class. Sandro Bongiani - writes - "Mail Art is a sort of strange web of communications created by as many correspondents capable of overcoming the infinite geographical distances of the planet by concretely involving all the nations of the world in an impressive and gigantic mobile puzzle, always variable and perpetually in movement". Postal art with its sprawling network of contacts now embraces the whole world; each tile is a micro-unit of a larger and more unpredictable macro-unit that represents a diversified universe of new poetic energies, a sort of great collective "meeting", in which "puns are not just a game", as rightly stated Alfred Jarry many years ago, but another different possibility of freeing oneself from constraints and impediments and fully dedicating oneself to invention and pure creativity. For many artists, artistic research is also freedom and above all brotherhood. it's love.

Biography of Ray Johnson (1927-1995)

Born on October 16, 1927 in Detroit, Michigan, his early life included sporadic lectures at the Detroit Art Institute and a summer at Ox-Bow School in Saugatuck, Michigan. In 1945, Johnson left Detroit to attend progressive Black Mountain College in North Carolina. During his three years on the program, he studied with a number of artists, including Josef Albers, Jacob Lawrence, John Cage, and Willem de Kooning. Moving to New York in 1949, Johnson befriends Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns, developing an idiosyncratic form of Pop Art. Over the ensuing decades, Johnson became increasingly engaged in performance and Zen philosophy, merging artistic practice with life. On January 13, 1995, Johnson committed suicide by jumping off a bridge in Sag Harbor, New York, then swimming in the sea and drowning. In 2002, a documentary on the artist's life called How to Draw a Bunny, makes us understand his research work. Today, his works can be found in the collections of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

100 artists and a banana for Ray Johnson

Adriana Kobor, Brescia – Italia I Aidan Mirowsky, New York – Usa I Alberto Vitacchio, Torino – Italia, I Alessandra Finzi, Trieste – Italia I Alexander Limarev – Russia I Alfonso Caccavale, Afragola – Italia I Anadolu Universitesi, Tepebasi – Turchia I Andrea Bonanno, Sacile – Italia I Anna Banana, Roberts Creek – Canada I Anna Boschi, Castel S. Pietro T. – Italia I Antonia Mayol Castellò, Torrevieja – Spagna I Antonio De Marchi, Gera Lario – Italia I Antonio Sassu, Torreglia – Italia I Art Schiwago, Ecaterina – Romania I Artista anonimo – Portogallo I Bruno Cassaglia, Quiliano – Italia I Calogero Barba, San Cataldo – Italia I Carla Bertola, Torino – Italia I Carlo Iacomucci, Monsano – Italia I Carlo Pietrasanta, Milano – Italia I Carmela Corsitto, Canicattì – Italia I Cary A. Bibb, Arizona – Usa I Claudio Romeo, Villa Raverio – Italia I Clemente Padin, Montevideo - Uruguay I Coco Gordon, Colorado – USA I Connie Jean, Cocoa Beach – USA I Cristiano Pallara, Palagiano – Italia I Daniele Virgilio, La Spezia – Italia I Domenico Ferrara Foria, Foria – Italia I Domingo Sanz Montero, Cercedilla – Spagna I E. F. Higgins, New York – USA I Emilio Morandi, Ponte Nossa – Italia I Ernesto Terlizzi, Angri – Italia I Fenando De Filippi, Milano – Italia I Fernanda Fedi, Milano – Italia I Franco Panella, Monreale – Italia I Franko Busic, Split – Croazia I Gabi Minedi, Roma – Italia I Gian Paolo Roffi, Bologna – Italia I Gianni Romeo, Torino – Italia I Gino Gini, Milano – Italia I Giovanni Bonanno, Salerno – Italia I Giovanni e Renata Strada, Ravenna – Italia I Giovanni Leto, Bagheria – Italia I Giulia Napoleone, Carbognano – Italia I Guido Capuano, Ispica – Italia I Guy Bleus, Wellen – Belgio I Hans Braumuller, Amburgo - Germania e Ruggero Maggi, Milano – Italia I Jas W Felter, Vancouver – Canada I Jeff Bagato, Socrates Universal City – USA I Joel Cohen, Brocklyn – USA I John Held Jr. San Francisco – USA I John M. Bennett, Columbus – USA I Josè Rufino, Joao Pessoa – Brasile I Katerina Nikoltsou, Thessaloniki – Grecia I Lars Schumacher, Burgdorf – Germania I Laura Marmai, Salerno – Italia I Lola González, Manchester - Regno Unito I Luc Fierens, Weerde – Belgio I Luisa Bergamini, Bologna – Italia I Manuel Xio Blanco, Mas Galicia – Spagna I Marcello Diotallevi, Fano – Italia I Maribel Martinez, Ensenada – Argentina I Marina Salmaso, Kobenhavn – Danimarca I Martin Dosek, Pardubice - Repubblica Ceca I Mauro Magni, Trevignano Romano – Italia I Mauro Molinari, Velletri – Italia I Maya Lopez Muro, San Giovanni Valdarno – Italia I MIchelangelo Mayo, San Jose – USA I Mick Boyle, Conneaut Lake – USA I Miguel Jimenez, Sevilla – Spagna I Natale Cuciniello, Torre Del Greco – Italia I Noriko Smimizu, Ashiya City – Giappone I Oronzo Liuzzi, Corato – Italia I Pablo Echaurren, Roma – Italia I Paolo Gubinelli, Firenze – Italia I Paolo Scirpa, Milano – Italia I Patrizio Maria, Roma – Italia I Pedro Bericat, Zaragoza – Spagna I Pier Roberto Bassi, Castel Mella – Italia I Pietro Lista, Fisciano – Italia I Ray Johnson, New York – USA I RCBz, Minnesota – USA I Reid Wood, Oberlin – USA I Roberta Bartel, Ohio – USA I Roberto Della Penna, Sant'Elia FR – Italia I Rolando Zucchini, Foligno – Italia I Rosa Cuccurullo, Fisciano – Italia I Rosa Gravino, Granada De Gomez – Argentina I Rosalie Gancie, Mariland – USA I Ruggero Maggi, Milano – Italia I Ryosuke Cohen, Ashiya City – Giappone I Sabine Remy – Dusseldorf – Germania I Seiei Jack, Tokio – Giappone I Serse Luigetti, Perugia – Italia I Stella Maris Velasco, Buenos Aires – Argentina I Uwe Hofig, Erfurt – Germania I Valentina Cozzi, Preganziol – Italia I Vittore Baroni, Viareggio – Italia I Wolfgang Faller, Mullheim – Germania I Wolfgang Günther, Kassel – Germania.

-Pavilion Locust Valley I Spazio Sandro Bongiani Vrspace
-Pavilion Lautania Virtual Valley I Space Ophen Virtual Art Museum
From Saturday 23 July to Sunday 18 September 2022
Opening Saturday 23 July 2022 at 18:00
HOURS: every day from 00.00 to 24.00
E-MAIL INFO: bongianimuseum@gmail.com

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