Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 11 December 2021
Retrospective exhibition by Andrea Bonanno
"Contemporary man between decay and redemption"
Works 1976 - 2021
Curated by Sandro Bongiani
December 11, 2021 - February 13, 2022
Via S. Calenda 105 / D, 84126 SALERNO (Italy).

Preview / AMACI - 11 December 2021 at 18:00
(The event participates in the seventeenth day of contemporary art
promoted by AMACI Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums)

"... the figures, like disturbing apparitions, come out of their real bodies to take on forms declining the emptiness and absence of man's spirituality and sentimentality ..."
On the occasion of AMACI-17. Giornata Del Contemporaneo, Andrea Bonanno's retrospective entitled, “The contemporary man between decay and redemption ”, With works from 1976-2021 by Sandro Bongiani. The exhibition tries to take stock of the anonymous condition of contemporary man investigated by the artist for a long time with coherence and creative originality. A vision intended as a revelation of the condition of degradation, aimed at investigating and responding to the problem of the fate of homo tecnologicus, represented as an estranged figure of inconsistency and a tormented split, now unable to search for his being and his true identity .
Anonymous presences live in a persistent interrogative and metaphysical silence, as well as human spaces revealed as areas of commensuration between loss and dream. A particular weltanschauung of man presented as a desolate envelope, with no internal organs and soul, barely communicating with each other, in a climate marked by an ungrateful loneliness and a nagging dissolution.
They are presences of the absence of the human who try in vain to regain vitality, to resist the immense loss of their imaginative and critical-reflexive functions. The figures live together in desolate landscapes, wandering around toxic degraded scenarios upset by a persistent polluting action that seems to reflect the stigmata of the upheaval too. Almost always, they show the dark side of an unusual stillness, in reality, only fleeting apparitions remain, with presences that have emerged from their real bodies to take on forms declining emptiness and absence. According to this particular theme in painting the man investigated with an acute "verifying", reflective and critical attitude, the lost absence of man is denounced and the invitation to rethink, to rediscover a glimmer of redemption, of possible liberation from a condition that profoundly alienates and deeply degrades man, leading him to his complete deconstruction and to a total denial of his precarious and inconsistent human condition. Sandro Bongiani.

Short biography of Andrea Bonanno

Andrea Bonanno, born in Menfi (AG), began exhibiting from 1966, after having refused any mannerist painting and outside the fundamental spiritual needs of our time. Painter, essayist and writer, he has been carrying out an intense pictorial and literary activity for years, ranging from poetry to art criticism and literature, participating in many national and international events, obtaining flattering critical acclaim and important awards.

He has published non-fiction works, such as The art and the transcendental verification (critical essay, Edizioni Tracce, Pescara 1992, For an art of transcendental verification (Edizioni Pubblicoop, Sessa Aurunca, 1994), The poetry of Pietro Terminelli (Edizioni L'Involucer , Palermo, 1995), Verification in contemporary figurative art and other essays (Phasar Edizioni, Florence, 2001), followed in subsequent years by other titles: Essays on the poetry of M. Grazia Lenisa (Monograph), Edizioni Archivio "L. Pirandello ", Sacile, 2003. The volume was reprinted in a second edition in 2004 with the addition of other essays; Saffo Chimera by Maria Grazia Lenisa, (Comment), Edizioni Archivio" L. Pirandello ", Sacile, 2005, Contemporary poets for the transcendental verification (essays), Ediz. Archivio "Luigi Pirandello", Sacile, 2007, L'arte deviata, eight Venice Biennials and other essays, Ediz. Archivio "L. Pirandello", 2010, The novel and the transcendental verification (Vittorini, Piovene, Saviane), Archiv Ed I l. Pirandello ”, 2014, Van Gogh and painting <>, Youcanprint Self Publishing, Trecase (LE), 2016.
His works and publications are in institutions, museums and public and private collections in Italy and abroad.

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