Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 05 December 2020
"TEXTURES - Tales and plots for a kind imaginary"
Cycle of works inspired by textile motifs with works from 1994 - 2007
curated by Sandro Bongiani
Preview: December 4, 2020
from 5 December 2020 to 14 March 2021
The event participates in the contemporary day
promoted by AMACI
Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums

The retrospective exhibition "TEXTURES - Tales and plots for a kind imaginary", dedicated to Mauro Molinari, with 72 works from 1994-2007, which tries to take stock of textile proposals and imaginative images of the Roman artist. In this retrospective, the author introduces us to the world of symbolic language, the stories and the plots of a gentle imaginary where everything underlying contains a meaning, even if we can only perceive it as a suggestion "just transcribed" with the ancient procedure of fabrics and papers used, evoking distant references to become poetic suggestions of an increasingly evocative and imaginary reality.
The path of Mauro Molinari, in about fifty years of work, is marked by different cycles, such as those dedicated to the informal, to visual poetry, to artist's books, to the reinterpretation of ancient textile motifs and in the last fifteen years to the story of urban reality. A long and passionate research marked by different moments, between thread, plot, intertwining and counterpoint, with an assiduous attention on the presence that opens a passage in time and on the spatial void in an intertwining of different moments and times in search of relationship and balance to manifest. In the end, the intertwining becomes the leitmotif of stories and meanings that unfold on a journey full of suggestions and poetic vibrations suggested by fragments of meaning.
Starting from the 90s, the textile motifs reworked as signs, fragments and symbolic presences of natural, vegetal and even heraldic forms take fantastic form on papers and canvases, on precious artist books, theaters, paper dresses, shoes, ties and also liturgical vestments, frontals and chasubles.
Sandro Bongiani in the presentation in the catalog writes: "A very complex universe dictated by a specific motivation in search of creative invention and fantastic interpretation. All this takes place in about 15 years of work with a light and insubstantial paint that is deposited on the veiled and fragile skin of the paper to become an elusive appearance.
Theater books made of paper painted on fabric, object books, toy books, relief books to open and artist's books that unfortunately cannot be opened, in his hands everything becomes a fairy tale and a tale warped between filaments and plots of apparitions they stabilize in the provisional space of painting, in a suspended and precarious time in which the imagination is embodied in the search for invention. From this enchantment, absorbed presences are born, born between the plots and wails of remote fabrics to become delicate poetic tales of a totally contemporary reality.
A long and fruitful "textile" creative season in which the artist is intent on diligently investigating a possible recovery of memory and revealing the symbologies and tangles of life with a visionary verve in which the coordinates of time and space expand and they lose their usual logical characteristics in view of new associations and trajectories. The trace of a suggestion of memory can now finally stretch out between the fragile paper and the pieces of real fabric and become a "gentle warp", weft and fragment of a tale that frees itself from constraints in a multi-level narrative of reading that intersect and coexist. Only in this way can the fragments of the past take shape and become lyrical material in relation to life, in a cadenced and absorbed succession of events and allusive plots that emerge from a remote time to become contemporaneity and above all the concrete essence of the absolute ".

Mauro Molinari Born in Rome, he lives in Velletri (RM). His artistic research took place in cycles ranging from the informal registers of the 1960s to written painting and modular geometries of the following twenty years. In 1974 personal exhibition at the International Art Gallery of Rome, pres. S. Giannattasio. In 1975 his works are present at the X Quadriennale in Rome. From 1974 to 1981 he participated in international exhibitions on the design of the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona. In 1979 personal at the Il Grifo gallery in Rome, pres. D. Micacchi. In 1982, a personal exhibition at the Il Luogo gallery in Rome, pres. M. Lunetta and C. Paternostro. In 1983 and 1985 he participated in the Cleveland International Drawing Biennial. In 1987 personal exhibition at the Incontro d'Arte gallery in Rome, pres. I. Mussa. In the 90s he dedicated himself to the pictorial reworking of textile motifs, starting a cycle that lasted more than 15 years. In 1995 the Warp & Trame series was born, of self-published catalogs. The first illustrates the traveling exhibition promoted by Tessitura di Rovezzano and presented in Rome at the Pulchrum gallery, pres. L. de Sanctis. In 1998 personal at the Spazio de la Paix and at the Cantonal Library of Lugano, pres. A. Veca. From 2000 to 2014 he participated in the Rencontres Internationales in Marseille. From 2000 to 2008 he collaborated with the international exhibition Miniartextil which is held in Como every year. In 1999-2000 he created the Stellae Errantes cycle painted sculptures inspired by sacred fabrics, which was housed in numerous Italian museums on the occasion of the Jubilee. In 2001 personal exhibitions at the Il Salotto gallery in Como and at the Didactic Silk Museum in Como, pres. M. De Stasio. In 2001 personal at the Museum of the Infiorata in Genzano, pres. C. F. Carli. In 2002 personal exhibition at the S. Maria di Cerrate Lecce Museum, pres. L. Caramel. In 2003 personal room at the Musèe de l'Impression sur Ètoffes in Mulhouse, pres. L. Caramel. In 2004 personal exhibition at Oman Caffè di Como, pres. L. Caramel. In 2005 exhibition at the Spazio Mantero in Como and at the Salons de l’Hôtel de Ville in Montrouge, pres. L. Caramel. In 2006 Salone d’Arte Moderna di Forlì, pres. F. Gallo, and personal room at the Museum of Palazzo Mocenigo in Venice, pres. L. Caramel. In 2007 personal at the Venanzo Crocetti Foundation in Rome, pres. C. F. Carli and C. Paternostro. In 2008 personal room at the VI International Triennial of Tournai, and personal room at the Angelica Library in Rome, pres. E. Di Raddo. Since 2008 he has developed a pictorial cycle where figuration is central, which arises as a natural evolution of his creative path. In 2009 personal exhibition at the Renzo Cortina gallery in Milan, pres. A. Veca. In 2010 personal at the Carlo Bilotti Museum in Rome, pres. A. Arconti and L. Canova. From 2011 to 2016 and 2019 he participated in the Barcelona Artist Book Festival, pres. E. Pellacani. In 2012 and 2015 Galleria Gallerati Rome first and second mixed media project. In 2013 two solo shows at the Baccina Techne gallery in Rome, pres. G. Evangelista and staff at the Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery in Salerno, pres. G. Bonanno. In 2014 personal at the COMEL Space in Latina, pres. M. Cozzuto and in Rome at the Rome III Municipality, Aula Consiliare, pres. G. Evangelista. In 2016 Dante and the Popes in the Divine Comedy Pescabruzzo Foundation curated by Giorgio Di Genova, donation of the works. From 2014 to 2019 Artists for Nuvolari Sartori House Museum Castel d’Ario (MN). In 2017 Jean Lurçat Museum Angers France, donation of the original sketch. Personal Space Medina and AF CasaDesign pres. F. Farachi. Anthological 1990/2006 Diocesan Museum and Angelucci Velletri Room, pres. Sara Bruno and Claudia Zaccagnini, donation of six sculptures. In 2018 donation of a work to the new museum of contemporary art SAmac in Benevento, 2007/2017 anthology Tibaldi Contemporary Art Rome curated by Carlo Fabrizio Carli. In 2019 the Municipal Museum of Praia a Mare acquired the work "White and Brown. In 2020 Retrospective "Textures - Tales and plots for a kind imaginary", Cycle of works inspired by textile motifs with works from 1994 - 2007 - Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery of Salerno curated by Sandro Bongiani

Office: Interior 5, via Paolina 25, 00049 Velletri (RM) Italy, info: cell. 328 6947561 www.facebook.com/mauro.molinari.73 e-mail: arte@mauromolinari.it web: www.mauromolinari.it historical website: www.caldarelli.it/molinari.htm

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