Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 15 June 2020
Retrospective exhibition of Coco Gordon
"Timeless, Timeless"
The nature between performance and Exploding Books

Works 1958-2020
curated by Sandro Bongiani
From June 15th to August 28th 2020
Inauguration: 15 June 2020 at 18.00

"I continue to empower myself as a woman who is getting older to make deep cultural research visible, and to create an impact on the ethics of thought / behavior and on the mind-body-spirit integration of our modern structure". Coco Gordon / SuperSkyWoman

The large retrospective entitled "Timeless, Senzatempo, La natura tra performance e Exploding Books, Opere 1958-2020" that the Bongiani Art Museum Collection and the Ophen Virtual Art Gallery Space will inaugurate on Monday 15 June 2020, at 18.00 to the American artist Coco Gordon. In the exhibition in Salerno (Italy), 72 works are presented including paintings, maps, installations and performances, made between 1958 and 2020.
Coco Gordon (Genoa, 1938) lives and works in Lyons, Colorado. Also known as SuperSkyWoman, he is an artist, poet, performer, publisher. After having supported the Fluxus group members during the years of its main activity, it has long been involved in the head of an aggregation group on the themes of the territory, nature, organic, life systems (Permaculture). Coco Gordon began his artistic career in 1958 with works such as "Constructivism Apree’ Da Da ", oil painting, a sort of plastic and constructivist elements seen from above as a landscape. Over the years he has woven important collaborations with artists such as Ray Johnson and Alison Knowles, and for his intermediary activities and performances can be associated with the work of other artists of the "Fluxus" group, in particular with Joseph Beuys, Yoko Ono, Carolee Schneemann, and Geoff Hendricks linked together to the idea that everything is art.
With the practice of performance, the artist demonstrates his close proximity to natural processes and expresses the desire to create a radical change in awareness of our dependence on consumerism and the daily exploitation economy. The personal exhibition of Coco Gordon in Venice is in 2020 with a series of books and magazines presented according to an original transversal re-reading. The first works of cut books date back to 1963, such as the one dedicated to Daniel Spoerri, in which for the first time he uses a catalog of Daniel Spoerri to cut it and create new unexplored spaces and then, from 2018 to today, the last original works in which -cuts and re-constructs the object transforming it into an unusual book-object revisited for a complex and alternative reading. In this regard Sandro Bongiani in the presentation of the retrospective exhibition writes: "Cuts as spaces to be opened, to proceed beyond reading the page, not simple and usual Book cuts but books cut and" exploded "that need the intervention of the user to be observed. The interesting aspect of these works is to perceive cuts that explode transform and extend on a plane to create layered reading pages. The cut is action, opens new spaces, welcomes places still unexplored by changing the original form of the book and finding a different identity for an adventurous reading of the object ".

Coco Gordon / SuperSkyWoman / Biography
Coco Gordon (Genoa, 1938) lives and works in Lyons, Colorado. Also known as SuperSkyWoman, he is an artist, poet, performer, publisher. After having supported the Fluxus group members during the years of its main activity, it has long been involved in the head of an aggregation group on the themes of the territory, nature, organic, life systems (Permaculture). It counts the publication of 46 books including Radical Food, Hip Hop Solarplexus, SuperSkyWoman, TIKYSK, and Life Systems, a montage of 41 artists who work to create a healthy planet. Coco Gordon has been active and an integral part of the Fluxus movement since 1982. The artist, mainly dedicated to the production of artist books with works exhibited in Vienna by Kunst Kanzlei and at EMILY Harvey in NY and Venice. She is very active and has participated in several International Art Biennials in Venice. In many years of work he has made numerous performances, such as, for example, the one held in 1983 in Reggio Emilia at the reduced of the Municipal Theater, the New York installation with guitar dated 1984. In June 1984 Coco Gordon participates in the event The charm of the paper organized by Pari & Dispari. In 1993, with other artists, he presented a daytime and nighttime installation called LU’AQUA at Casa Malaparte in Capri. In 1999 she was invited to make a performance at the 48th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. In 2003 Coco Gordon participated in the collective with 130 artists, created by Pari & Dispari A pillow to dream. In 2020 she was invited to do a performance entitled "EXPLODING RED PIANO KEYBOARD installation in progress" at the Spazio Visioni Altre in Venice. For some years he has been making cut books. The Cut / Shared Books are Coco Gordon's latest artistic production. The artist cuts out, draws, draws, giving the book a new shape and a different interpretation. In 2020 a great event was presented by the Bongiani Art Museum Collection at the Ophen Virtual Art Gallery in Salerno, an exhaustive and complete retrospective with 72 works, from 1958 to 2020, which define the entire artistic journey carried out by this original and important artist American.

Via S. Calenda, 105 / D - Salerno
June 15 - August 28, 2020
Inauguration: Monday 15 June 2020, 18.00
Continuous hours every day from 00.00 to 24.00
Web Gallery - http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it
e-mail: bongianimuseum@gmail.com
Uff. Print Tel. 3937380225

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