Critical texts, Italy, Grosseto, 06 March 2013
"Martha Vichi has the good fortune to belong to the group of artists in which the fantastic language, or rather that apparently, is not to escape from the confrontation with reality, but to take it in his playful condition. Will be the result of continued exposure of children (her teacher in primary school), to push this allegorical form of expression? Question to be revealed with time. Meanwhile Vichi that Martha has embarked on a journey original witness his work done on canvas and other special media; watching his work is perceived that his artistic research has identified an expressive mode original, able to make the most of the descriptive characteristics particular of his narration. His inclination is to transform reality into a fairy tale, in his works there seems to be a narrative, almost surreal, however, is devoid of anxiety dreams, not to mention the fun of childhood fetishes. Many times in judging the visual arts are also conditioned by different readings, but each of these paintings (urban setting, meeting animals, etc.), brilliantly day or night disturbingly is a glimpse inside, a moment of contemplation, highlighted by a title, offering so the hypothesis of literary connections, but that is open to many levels of interpretation. The fantastic compositions Marta Vichi with their bright coloring, I've never poetics of the absurd, indeed possess the gift of giving to the iconography of a real dimension in which joy and peace are a persuasive balance, they breathe the air of a peaceful world, alive, cleansed of roughness. The movement is banned so that the peace that reigns in those images of the soul can not be disturbed. "
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