Anacapri meets art, People’s Festival of the Arts
Festivals, Italy, Napoli, 23 July 2014
A.A.A. artists wanted.
The second edition of “Anacapri Incontra l’Arte” (“Anacapri meets art”), People’s Festival of the Arts, is starting. It is summarized by the acronym “A.!.A.” Gallery, few simple words that embody the spirit of the event: an open-air art exhibition, a lively environment to enhance and promote art.
The event is supported by the Municipality of Anacapri and organized by Pro Loco Anacapri from 23 to 27 July. It will color the streets of the old town center with the exhibition of the works created by participants of every nation.

Registration for the exhibition ANACAPRI MEETS ART is open until 7 July 2014.

Luciano D’Alessandro is the guest and sponsor of the art exhibition. He is a famous Neapolitan photographer and journalist who reported the most important international and national events of the last fifty years through his shots. He has a special relationship with Capri as shown by his book “Così Capri”, published in 1972 with a text by Graham Greene. A series of shots describing the island at the start of the 70s.

There are so many meetings and workshops included in the schedule of this five-day art exhibition, as the first edition of: “La lentezza incontra l’arte” (“Slowness meets art”). Inspired by the beauty of the island, artists coming from all sides will invent a new way of representing food, land and sea. They will give to the island of Capri a new good, clean and fair “snail”, the snail of Slow Food.
Slow Food is an international organization that aims to improve the environment, the economy and the well-being through food. A way to ensure the future of a precious past.

Many workshops have been organized. They aim to deepen the various forms of art of the exhibition: sculpture, painting, photography, dance, comics, fashion, music, theatre.

The schedule will be enriched by musical and dancing performances and poetical readings.
Culinary tastings and walks in the nature have been organized as well.

The artists, guests of the Festival, will be protagonists of exhibitions and projects.

“Anacapri meets art” (“A.!.A.” Gallery) is inspired by a precise idea of art. An art created with hands, mind, heart, not closed in the museums, not only for the few, but that represents humus and vital lymph for everyone. The art exhibition through the streets of the old town center is an occasion of mutual enrichment with discussions and exchanges of ideas, and also gives to the most talented the possibility to emerge.

This is the spirit of the Festival, art as knowledge and available for everyone, Anacapri as source of new talents, not only locals. The town welcomes the artists becoming their patron. All the artists offer their skills and knowledge for free to all the participants, who only have to pay the membership fee to ProLoco and a registration fee (just in some cases).

The opening and inauguration of the art exhibition will take place on 23 July in piazza Edwin Cerio at 8.30pm. The Mayor of Anacapri Francesco Cerrotta and the sponsor of the event Luciano D’Alessandro will be present.

On Sunday 27 July, the institutional image of the 2015 edition will be selected among the works displayed.

Pro Loco Anacapri, with the same spirit of cooperation, launched last march “Adopt an artist”, a solidarity and hospitality campaign. We are looking for local families, both in Capri and Anacapri, willing to host the artists throughout the art exhibition.

Pro Loco Anacapri also presents the opening of the second edition of the Blue Grotto Lottery. The tickets for the prize draw that will take place on Christmas time will be put up for sale.

We are waiting for you!!!

Registration for the exhibition
ANACAPRI MEETS ART is open until 7 July 2014
Registration for the workshops is open until 20 July 2014
For further information, contact the Art Direction
office from 3pm to 7.30pm
at (+39) 0818371977
or 335 6496914 / 333 6235577
seguici su FB

This year’s edition of “Anacapri meets art” offers more workshops and meetings, having art and its multiple forms as common thread. Reservation and a Pro Loco Anacapri membership card are required to participate in the workshops: 10 euro up to 18 years old / 20 euro from 18 years old and up… The workshops are open to everyone.

“La via creativa al benessere” (The creative path to well-being) held by Monica Colosimo.
How to develop your own creativity starting from the various forms of art and turning it into vital energy? How to live your own everyday life better, becoming real artists of life? These are the questions answered by Monica Colosimo. She will share her knowledge with all the participants during this workshop. It will be held from 24 to 26 July from 3pm to 6pm and on 27 July from 11am to 1pm, at the multimedia center Mario Cacace. Reservation is needed, as places are limited in number. It is open to all the exhibitors and to those who are willing to acquire new knowledge useful to their personal well-being. (A registration fee is required)

“No Panic workshop” held by the photographer Chico De Luigi.
The Riminese photographer opens the doors of his workshop to everyone. The workshop will be held during the art exhibition. Send an email to to register and to to introduce yourself with your own self-portrait, your own best shot, the written reasons of your participation and your personal camera. This is all you need to partecipate!

“La fotografia pensata” (Reasoned photography) amateur photography workshop organized and held by Sauro Errichiello of the association Cultura e Immagine BFI.
This workshop aims to teach to the participants how to build a homemade pinhole camera and its artistic applications. The number of participants ranges from two to ten. The workshop will be held from 24 to 26 July from 3pm to about 6pm. (A registration fee is required)

We present, for the second straight year, “Coloriamo insieme la nostra fantasia” (Let’s color together our imagination), comics workshop held by Davide Osella. Approaching to the world of comics, having fun at the same time. This is the aim of this workshop that will allow the participants to acquire the basic methods and techniques to enter the world of the ninth art. It is open to children from 6 years old and up and will be held from 24 to 26 July (27 to be confirmed) from 5pm to about 7pm.

“Ti va di ballare??? (Do you wanna dance?)” Ballet and dancing workshop for children and adults held by the dancing teachers Sabrina Minguzzi and Leonardo Orazi of the Ass. Rapsodia Latina. The aim of the workshop is to bring the participants closer to the dancing world. Group, couple, Latin American and traditional dances will be proposed. The workshop is divided into two age brackets. It will be held from 24 to 26 July (27 to be confirmed) from 6pm to 7.30pm for children aged between 8 and 15 years old and from 9pm to 11pm for adults.
The two dancing teachers will dance during the opening evening on 23 July, and possibly a second time with the participants at the end of the festival.

“Teatro che passione: Penelope e Ulisse” (Theatre, what a passion: Penelope and Ulysses) held by Augusto Michelotti. Theatre workshop for beginners open to everyone from 16 years old and up.
A first step to learn and acquire the basic methods and techniques of this ancient art. The workshop is based on the original text of Vanessa Muratori, a modern and feminine transposition of Homer’s Odyssey. It will be held in the Room 1 of the Cinema Paradiso from 24 to 26 July from 3pm to 6pm.

“Riciclando con i suoni” (Recycling with the sounds) held by Michela Miccio of KAOS Music Lab.
This music workshop will be held on 25 and 26 July in the center of Anacapri. It is divided into two age brackets. It will be open to children aged between four and six years old from 5pm and to the participants aged between seven and ten years old from 6pm. The aim of the workshop is to bring children closer to music through the use of everyday objects as musical instruments. Thanks to their creative potentialities the children will train their ears and learn how to distinguish and recognize the sounds.

“Modelliamo i sogni” (We shape dreams), ceramics workshop held by the master craftsman Raffaello Rubino.
An introduction to the usage of clay and potter’s wheel. The workshop is open to everyone and has an educational purpose: to teach the value of the artistic creation, that passes from our imagination to the hands. The aim of the workshop is to leave a mark, to outline the start of a path that can bring adults and children closer to the art of clay and craft. It will be held on 25 and 26 July from 6pm to about 7.30pm in Via G. Orlandi. The maximum number of participants is ten.

“I Love Fashion”, Fashion Design workshop held by Amelia De Martino.
The workshop aims to bring children closer to the world of fashion, through a didactic path among colors, cloths and creativity. It will be held on Thursday 24 July from 4pm to 6.30pm in via G. Orlandi.

“La chiocciola dei bimbi” (Children’s snail) a kaleidoscope of flavors, fragrances and colors organized by Slow Food. The game is the gateway to the soul: little fingers explore and discover the world. Garden Multimedia Center Mario Cacace. Thursday 24 July, 10am.

Comments 2

Maristella  Angeli
10 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Un interessante programma!
Lino Bianco
10 years ago
Lino Bianco Artist
Congratulazioni e complimenti. Ciao,

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