Tibet Pavilion - a bridge made of culture and freedom
Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, 13 May 2017
a bridge made of culture and freedom

dedicated to H. H. the Dalai Lama
Palazzo Zenobio – Fondamenta del Soccorso 2596 - Venice
May 10th- August 10th 2017
Opening May 13th 2017 – 6pm

Recently it seems that walls are taking control, bridges on the other hand have been forgotten or destroyed. Unfortunately, it is not an architectural choice, but rather a low grade of civilization.

Tibet Pavilion, created by Ruggero Maggi, has always been a sensible bridge between the Western and Tibetan cultures, the latter rich of fascinating, dense and mystic spiritual, linguistic and artistic influences.
A bridge, a passage from East to West, that can create a subtle but necessary poetic vibration, needed to interact and understand each other.
Tibet Pavilion: bridge between cultures.

A democratic society implies the acknowledgement and the acceptance of a mass migratory phenomenon, which I think will never stop if the social and economic conditions in some nations will not radically change. If we think about it: Why should it stop?! Would we stop if our Country was marked by poverty and war? It is an unrelenting natural law: we flee from where we feel worse to go where we could live better. It is obvious, but this is how it goes.

There was a people (the past is unfortunately almost necessary) that lived just fine in his country…it was the Tibetan people. People whose art work was enriched by an ancient spirituality: who could forget the delicate mandalas with their winding shapes and magnificent colors that recall metaphysical homes, roads and cities that seemed coming from another dimension? The wonderful and delicate Khata symbols of friendship and solidarity, the prayer wheels, the Tangka…

But the objects (I do realize that calling them ‘objects’ is demeaning related to their use) that better represent this People are the prayer flags, Lung-Ta (literally wind horses), the true symbols that hold and emphasize the Tibetan spirituality and the natural wish of the Tibetan People to embrace the whole human race in a collective prayer. Threads/prayers make up the weave of the fabric of which the flags are made and that taken by whirlpools of wind become particles of a prayer, in an echo of mantras as a good omen for all sentient beings. Prayers that shed in thin threads that carry colored messages of peace and compassion while playing in the wind that cherishes and carries them in an ongoing dialogue with nature, man and all living beings, soaring in a passionate flight of an eternal journey.

Delicate threadlike structures on which the invited artists of this edition of Tibet Pavilion have intervened by poetical messages of extraordinary spiritual and creative strength…the soul elevates with addictive prayer-art works that in the exhibit create passages, landscapes, visual, tactile and in some cases olfactory sensations.
Unique works that await to be observed and heard, each brings silent messages and clear exhaustive voices of each participant artist:

Marco Agostinelli, Dino Aloi, Salvatore Anelli, Piergiorgio Baroldi - Lorenzo Bluer, Carla Bertola - Mariella Bogliacino - Fernando Montà - Alberto Vitacchio, Giorgio Biffi - Giglio Frigerio - Fabrizio Martinelli, Rovena Bocci, Rossana Bucci - Oronzo Liuzzi, Rosaspina Buscarino, Silvia Capiluppi, Paola Caramel, Simonetta Chierici - Loredana Manciati - Tiziana Priori - Elena Sevi, Pino Chimenti, Circolo degli artisti di Varese, Marzia Corteggiani, Giampietro Cudin - Carla Rigato, Albina Dealessi, Nyima Dhondup - Livia Liverani, Anna Maria Di Ciommo, Franco Di Pede, Marcello Diotallevi, Giovanna Donnarumma - Gennaro Ippolito, Gretel Fehr, Mavi Ferrando - Mario Quadraroli - Roberto Scala - K7, Alessandra Finzi - Gianni Marussi, Alberto Fortis, Emanuela Franchin, Ivana Geviti, Antonella P. Giurleo, Isa Gorini, Gruppo Il Gabbiano, Peter Hide 311065 - Isabella Rigamonti, Benedetta Jandolo - Angela Marchionni, Oriana Labruna, Silvia Lepore - Sandro Pellarin, Giulia Niccolai - Gruppo BAU, Tashi Norbu, Clara Paci, Lucia Paese, Salvatore Perchinelli, Marisa Pezzoli, Benedetto Predazzi, Anna Seccia, Gianni Sedda, Roberto Testori

as well as the significant video-works of Satish Gupta presented by prestigious BASU Foundation For The Arts, Francesca Lolli and Marco Rizzo.

After walking through the weaving of Lung-Ta the visitor will be able to enter a peculiar and unique, visual and emotional journey, made of four personal exhibits with a selection of playful and fluctuating works in the case of Marcello Diotallevi and his “Fiabe al Vento” (Tales to the wind); Anna Maria Di Ciommo’s evocative photographs of Tibetan Lamas working on bright mandalas; the rigorous works of Rosaspina Buscarino that with their serried compositional rhythm can pierce the human soul and Roberto Testori’s object-artwork that in their whiteness reflect conceptual solutions rich of spiritual and artistic meaning.
Under the broad umbrella of Tibet Pavilion the show continues with another event: Time Travellers in Venice, curated by Roberta Reali, and Anna Maria Griseri as project assistant, where artworks by Tashi Norbu will be exhibited. Tashi Norbu is among the most successful Tibetan contemporary artists with his 9 Pillars Contemporary Art Studio in Amsterdam. This exposition pays homage to Tenzin Rigdol and Gonkar Gyatso, the first ones to propose internationally their own reinterpretation of traditional painting through the daily lexicon of the post-industrial era. The impulse of communication between East and West is expressed by Le Brothers (Le Ngoc Thanh and Le Duc Hai) with their video performances, rooted in the contemporary awareness of the buddhist Vietnam; together with the co director Donagh Coleman, the videomaker Lala Lharigtso displays A Gesar Bard’s Tale, set in today’s Tibet, it’s the story of Dawa, poet and seer. Ici Venice (International Cultural Institute) takes part with the documentary by Anne and Ludovic Segarra, Bhoutan: un petit pays possedé du ciel (1972), the first one shot in that country. Maurizio Pizzo, as set designer and origami creator, will present themed workshops.

Tibet Pavilion stretches to the garden presenting Atman (from the Sanskrit “essence”- “breath”) unedited site specific work of Robert Gligorov realized especially for the Pavilion and curated by Luca Pietro Acquati Architect.
A silent secluded space, a kind of secret garden inspired by the Anglo-American cemeteries where the white crosses are placed directly in the ground, but in which the christian cross is substituted by the antique symbol of the Tibetan swastika representing the sun. The installation emphasizes the concept of belonging to evoke an historic and semiological discussion. Certification of remembrance that rightly belongs to a tradition that has always searched for spirituality and knowledge.

Tibet Pavilion will also be present at June 17th in the event Venice Art Night, about which detailed program will be provided later, with special opening hours until 11 pm.
Others significant appointments are scheduled for May 14th with the live painting by Tashi Norbu and with the music and poetry recital by Federica Artuso (guitar) introduced by Nicoletta Confalone (voice) and for July 6th in which the 82. birthday of the Dalai Lama will be celebrated.

Opening hours: Tuesday through Sunday 10 am - 6 pm | Closed on Mondays

info: www.padiglionetibet.com | maggiruggero@gmail.com | 320.9621497

. Walking distance from the Venice train station
. Ferry 5.1 Stop San Basilio

poetry by Dino Aloi

Tibet's flag flats free
in our hearts and in our minds
while, living occupied,
we grit our teeth
looking at mellow landscapes
that seem painted by amanuensis.
The thought flies free
under the gaze of the strict Chinese
and to be heard
all we can do is burn
thinking of a future
as true Tibetans
without dwarves' politics
who consider themselves giants
just for being numerous
and without sweet aims.

(Translation by Luca Vendemiati and Lavinia R. Fistos)

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