Earth Rawmatter A Mail Art project by Ruggero Maggi
Exhibitions, Italy, Varese, Gallarate, 02 December 2016
A Mail Art project by Ruggero Maggi
The Visual Art Gallery of the Università del Melo, will host from December 2nd, 2016 until January 27th, 2017 the international Mail Art Exhibit ‘EARTH/RAW MATTER’ designed and curated by Ruggero Maggi.
Earth is the primary matter of our existence, it is the base element of life on this planet, and it is not by chance called Earth. Earth that in this exhibit is the primary element of all the art work, that has been created with clods of land and local raw matter, mailed from more than 200 international mail artists. Art work that in some cases grows and develops since it is made of living elements such as grass, small plants and lichens that are regularly watered. Small living ecosystems… Living Art!
Mail Art, Arte Postale, Arte Correo…linguistic transpositions that have marked, mostly at the end of the last century, an endless series of projects, journals, books, exhibits, and events linked to an underground artistic world with a strong inclination to non ufficiality, in which the relationship between the shipped object, the sender and the receiver is of great value.
The GloCal Mail Art is integral part of a cultural globalization process that exteriorizes at the local level in the action of each artist through an intricate web of creative communications, like a Babylon tower of crossed destinies that we can rightly consider as an extended cultural and social phenomenon, a container of ideas and emotions.
The ancestors of this type of artistic communication are Futurism and Dadaism. We should underline that the work of Kurt Schwitters, creator of the first works with stamps, and the coming, at the end of the 50’s, of the Fluxus research with artist such as Joseph Beuys, Ray Johnson, George Maciunas, Ken Friedman, Ben Vautier and some New French Realism artists and theorists such as Pierre Restany ed Yves Klein.
Ray Johnson, New York artist, is considered the creator of Mail Art: in 1962 he founded the New York Correspondence School, mocking the real correspondence schools.
After more than forty years I keep thinking that Mail Art has not lost it’s original vitality….long life to Mail Art!
Ruggero Maggi
Visual Art Gallery of the Università del Melo
Via Magenta 3,
Gallarate (VA), ITALY
Opening: Friday December 2nd 2016, Sala Planet 6 PM
DEC 2/2016 to JAN 27/2017
Fernando Andolcetti, Salvatore Anelli, Francesco Aprile, Barbara Ardau, Arno Arts (Netherlands), Franco Ballabeni, Calogero Barba, Vittore Baroni, Clara Bartolini, Donatella Baruzzi, Daniela Barzaghi, Pier Roberto Bassi, Angela Behrendt (Germany), Lancillotto Bellini, John M. Bennett (U.S.A.), Luisa Bergamini, Pedro Bericat (Spain), Carla Bertola, Giuseppe Bertolino, Diane Bertrand (Canada), Giorgio Biffi, Norbert Böckmann (Germany), Mariella Bogliacino, Giovanni Bonanno, Adriano Bonari, Renee Bouws (Belgium), Antonino Bove, Laura Bracchi, Hans Braümuller (Germany), Pierangela Brugola, Rossana Bucci, Ioan Bunus (Germany), Cristiano Caggiula, Pina Candileno, Antonella Capolupo, Luisella Carretta, Cascadia Artpost (U.S.A.), Bruno Cassaglia, Viviana Cernjul (Argentina), Bruno Chiarlone, Simonetta Chierici, Silvia Cibaldi, Mario Cobàs, Antonio Conte, Mauro Corbani, Carla Crosio, Francesco Cucci, Giampietro Cudin, Daniel Daligand (France), Caterina Davinio, Silvio De Gracia (Argentina), Marc De Hay (Netherlands), Ko De Jonge (Netherlands), Sabrina De Maria, Teo De Palma, Adolfina De Stefani, Albina Dealessi, Giuseppe Denti, Mimmo Di Caterino, Anna Maria Di Ciommo, Franco Di Pede, Giovanna Donnarumma, Ever Arts (Netherlands), Cinzia Farina, Fernanda Fedi, Gretel Fehr, Mavi Ferrando, Anna Finetti, Alessandra Finzi, Franco Flaccavento, Roberto Formigoni, Piet Franzen (Netherlands), Mariano Frare, Giglio Frigerio, Antonella Gandini, Ivana Geviti, Antonio De Marchi Gherini, Mario Giavino, Alicia Gil (Spain), Gino Gini, Lillo Giuliana, Antonella Prota Giurleo, Tania Letizia Gobbett, Rudimar Gomes Neves (Brazil), Tony Gonzagto (Brazil), Coco Gordon (U.S.A.), Elke Grundmann, Shuzo Azuchi Gulliver (Japan), Giovanni Gurioli, Yadan Hernandez (Cuba), Yadian Hernandez (Cuba), Hans Hess (Germany), Peter Hide 311065, Honoria (U.S.A.), Luigina Iacuzzi, Adele Iandolo, Gennaro Ippolito, Benedetta Jandolo, K7, Dobrica Kamperelic (Serbia), Renuka Kesaramadu (India), Andor Kömives (Romania), Antonio Cano Krüger (Perù), Oriana Labruna, Laloba, Paolo Lamarque, Bruno Larini, Alfonso Lentini, Silvia Lepore, Pino Lia, Nicola Liberatore, Oronzo Liuzzi, Gian Paolo Lucato, Serse Luigetti, Reneé Magaña (Switzerland), Ruggero Maggi, Nadia Magnabosco, Marilde Magni, Agnese Mammana, Loredana Manciati, Antonello Mantovani, Angela Marchionni, Maria Grazia Martina, Fabrizio Martinelli, Gianni Marussi, Christophe Massé (France), Hanne Matthiesen (Finland), Anja Mattila-Tolvanen (Finland), Massimo Medola, Moreno Menarin, Veronica Menghi, Miche-Art Universalis (Belgium), Monica Michelotti, Virginia Milici, Annalisa Mitrano, Henning Mittendorf (Germany), Fernando Montà, Emilio Morandi, Lorenza Morandotti, Simona Morani, Franca Munafò, Giancarlo Nucci, Cristina Oggioni, Jürgen Olbrich (Germany), Giuseppe Onesti, Clara Paci, Fausto Paci, Lucia Paese, Claudio Pantana, Dimitra Papatheodorou (Greece), Sjoerd Paridaen (Belgium), Francesca Patat, Remy Penard (France), Roberto Pennati, Salvatore Pepe, Marcela Peral (Argentina), Teresinka Pereira (U.S.A.), Michele Peri, Pasquale Petrucci, Marisa Pezzoli, Tarcisio Pingitore, Christopher Pisk, PLG (Germany), Plumcake, Veronique Pozzi, Benedetto Predazzi, Marco Predazzi, Nadia Presotto, Tiziana Priori, Private World (U.S.A.), Rosella Quintini, Antonio Raucci, Cesar Reglero (Spain), Terry Reid (Australia), Carla Rigato, Giuseppina Riggi, Jaume Rocamora (Spain), Gian Paolo Roffi, Maria Pia Fanna Roncoroni, Margherita Levo Rosenberg, Manuel Ruiz Ruiz (Spain), Tino Sartori, Antonio Sassu, Alba Savoi, Roberto Scala, Evelina Schatz, Anna Seccia, Josè Roberto Sechi (Brazil), Cesare Serafino, Lucio Serafino, Tiziano Serafino, Danilo Sergiampietri, Fulgor C. Silvi, SirSkape, Lucia Spagnuolo, Celina Spelta, Franco Spena, Karl Steurer (Switzerland), Gianni Strada, Renata Strada, Rod Summers/Vec (Netherlands), Piero Tacconi, Ernesto Terlizzi, Roberto Testori, Paul Tiililä (Finland), Vittorio Tolu, Stefano Turrini, Krisztina Vâlcelean (Romania), Valdor (Spain), Consuelo Vallejo (Spain), Antonio Pujia Veneziano, Alessandra Borsetti Venier, Silvia Venuti, Rosanna Veronesi, Alberto Vitacchio, Ilma Vizzini, Sima Zdeněk (Czech Republic), Károly Zöld-Gyöngyì (Romania).

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