Festivals, Italy, Ancona, 03 August 2013
"Artcevia is here. It Exists, it play, it is revitalized, reorganizes itself, recreates shapes, spaces and content, pops back to the future ... like life, like art ... despite the crisis, the cuts and uncertainties. Good ideas' are stronger the crudeness of reality. "
With these words, the young mayor of Arcevia (AN), the country that hosts the main manifestation of art Simultaneous delle Marche, opens a rich new sixth edition of AR [t] CEVIA International Art Festival.
Getting ready for the inauguration of August 3. Over 50 artists are selected from all over the world for the collective, over 10 are the personal will open during the two-month duration of the festival at some of the finest accommodations located in the 126 km square of the fairy-tale territory Arcevia.
Not only contemporary art exhibitions, but also discussions and cocktails with the artists, enjoying genuine local products and relaxing between the bright colors of a land that is real garden of Italy, stories of contemporary music, video, performances, encounters, friendships and collaborations that are born and live forever. The atmosphere is magic here because AR [t] CEVIA is called a bubble of water and temperature in which all those in which they entered, yearn to return.

Despite the crisis and the cuts really disastrous, the young and enthusiastic team of AR [t] CEVIA has reinvented itself through collaborations and synergies, putting together a festival even richer.
AR [t] CEVIA is a runaway train fueled by the enthusiasm and passion of those who went up, going up or climb on its carriages and there is nothing that can stop the explosive driving force of the ideas born from the encounter between visual artists of all kinds, musicians, actors, scholars and writers, young and old and from every where. This is precisely the driving force of a festival that, in two months, transformed a historic citadel of Marche in a focal center for contemporary and magma bubbling of pure magic and inventiveness.

AR [t] CEVIA is a huge "living room" cultural and intellectual - but not too much - where everyone can sit down to attend and participate actively in the birth of new ideas for a better future and so, culture is the only cement can .

For info and appointments of the festival: www.artcevia.org
For info hospitality and territory: www.artceviaweb.it

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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