Interviews, Italy, Alessandria, 17 April 2014
IMPORTANT PRESS RELEASE, L 'ARIES TV is equipped in the production of television programs and WEB TV WITH 1800, 500 views, a powerful communication platform located in the center of Alexandria (PIEDMONT) in the service of all. Programmatic and intense day today for the promotion of services for the Arts and for artists who want to promote and increase the visibility 'of their art through media presentations targeted to the market and culture, now officially part of the collaboration of Professor. domenico andalone delnegro as a critic and historian of art for the 'TV broadcaster ARIES, testing techniques documented by the President dottore.Mercuri and the gallery owner and promoter Mr. artdirector. Lamarca, thanks since d 'now concern to all pending accession to television programs, conditions, and mode' on demand, thanks to all.

Comments 2

andalone domenico oliva delnegro
10 years ago
grazie, distinti saluti.
10 years ago
Clavi Artist
Complimenti per l'iniziativa!.....

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