BIENNIAL Fidim open selections and nominations for collective and personal
Exhibitions, Italy, Alessandria, 07 June 2013
Important message to all artists. NEXT OPENING Fidim Museum in ALEXANDRIA-Piemonte-Lombardia-ITALY.
Notice is hereby given to all artists and intellectuals, writers and people interested in communication and cultural events, with the possibility 'of a potential synergy with the present headquarters, the new headquarters of Fidim ART COMMUNICATION, in PIEDMONT, the gallery will host' the BIENNIAL Fidim of the prof.domenico andalone Del Negro, issue of 500 square meters of exhibition space with large display cases and a further 500 square meters of publishing house for Fidim PUBLISHING, province of Alessandria in the prestigious and more and more 'important shopping during the project ROME and the realization and 'was produced by the Brixia Construction of Brescia, the event will be' promoted and inaugurated by highest institutional and published in major magazines, exhibitions and cultural events will be organized, the venue will be 'opened July 1 and 2013.grazie regards
Dear esteemed artists and note the following; Open selections for exhibition artists, writers and visual artists and installers, open selections and nominations for the 2 sessions of 1 to 15 July 15-31 at Biennale Fidim in ALEXANDRIA-PIEDMONT - ITALY, proposal for exhibition, maximum transparency summary of costs; 399.00 for 3 works for 15 days of exposure and works 798.00 for 6 and 31 days of exposure, opportunity 'personal 1,250.00 for 15 days and 2,500.00 for 31 days to send the material;, everything must come to the office to Fidim publishing at least 1 day before 1 July 2013, the maximum disclosure of 'event on art magazine.
Egregi e spettabili artisti informiamo quanto segue ;Aperte le selezioni, per mostra collettiva ad artisti, scrittori e videoartisti e installatori, aperte selezioni e candidature per le 2 sessioni di luglio dal 1 al 15 dal 15 al 31 presso Biennale di Fidim in ALESSANDRIA-PIEMONTE- ITALIA, proposta per progetto espositivo,massima trasparenza; sintesi dei costi; 399,00 per 3 opere per 15 giorni di esposizione e 798,00 per 6 opere e 31 giorni di esposizione,possibilita' di personale 1.250,00 per 15 giorni e 2.500,00 per 31 giorni inviare il materiale a ; , tutto deve giungere in redazione a fidim publishing almeno 1 giorno prima del 1 luglio 2013,massima divulgazione dell' evento sui magazine dell'arte.
Queridos artistas estimados y tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: selección abierto para artistas exposiciones, escritores y artistas visuales e instaladores, selecciones abiertas y nominaciones para las 2 sesiones de 1 a 15 15 a 31 julio en la Bienal Fidim en ALEXANDRIA-PIAMONTE - Italia, la propuesta para la exposición, la máxima resumen transparencia de los costes, 399.00 para 3 obras durante 15 días de exposición y trabaja 798.00 por 6 y 31 días de la exposición, la oportunidad "personal 1,250.00 por 15 días y 2,500.00 por 31 días para enviar el material;, todo tiene que venir a la oficina para Fidim publicar al menos 1 día antes del 1 de julio de 2013, la máxima divulgación de "evento de la revista de arte.

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