Icons Alberto Branca, exhibition  S.S. Annunziata (Torino)
Exhibitions, Italy, Torino, 22 November 2014
The beautiful icons of Alberto Branca are on display at the Gallery of the Cloister of SS Annunziata in the central Via Po in Turin.
They are all unique and they are the personal reworking sacred icon of this extraordinary artist and iconographer Turin.
The word "icon" in greek means "image". The icon is a sacred image painted on a wooden panel and built according to specific passages of color and gold.

It is said that those who dedicate themselves to the realization of the icons realizes "the art of angels" that is a "evanghelion" a message that comes from the men by the hand of the artist: a real "door" that connects the heavenly dimension with the earthly.

Alberto Branca recovering the classical canons of the face of Jesus, Our Lady of the Angels of the Saints and reworks them by donating to this ancient art of iconography character spiritually contemporary.
In writing of its icons, the artist combines his love of art with its authentic journey of faith.
Small, precious jewels, the result of a patient and meticulous work that while referring to painting early Christian and Byzantine art they reinterpret the figure in a modern key.

Icons of Alberto Branca
Gallery of the Cloister of S.S. Annunziata
Via Po 45 - Turin
From Saturday 22 novembre 2014-6 gennaioo 2015
weekdays from 14.30 to 19.30 Saturdays and holidays from 10.30 to 19.30
December 31, 2014 from 10.30 to 14.30
First in January 2015 from 14.30 to 19.30

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