“Cologne Art & Moving Images Awards” @ Museo ExTeresa Arte Actual Mexico City
Festivals, Mexico, Mexico City, 18 October 2012
“CologneOFF VIII - Videoart in a global context” - Nomadic Festival Project touring once around the globe - programs: “Continental Drift” and "Cologne One Minute Film Festival" @ Museo ExTeresa Arte Actual - Mexico City – Mexico

Videos :"The days of rage" (2012) e " Interrupted Thought" (2012)

Comments 5

giulio micheletti
12 years ago
in bocca al lupo
silvia de gennaro
12 years ago
Grazie a tutti!
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo e tantissimi complimenti
Piero Lerda
12 years ago
Piero Lerda Artist
un grande in bocca al lupo
Marianela Beatriz Salazar
12 years ago

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