NatArte "The Gift of Emotion"
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 12 December 2012
NatArte "The Gift of Emotion"
12 - 31 December 2012
Inauguration: Wednesday, December 12 at 18:30
Vittoria Gallery, 103 Margutta street, Rome, Italy
38 Artists will exhibit works 30x30; Part of the proceeds of the sale will go to charity to purchase gifts for the children of the Home "San Giuseppe" Rocca di Papa.
During the weekend some of the artists place of art workshops for children on the technique of painting, watercolor and ceramics.
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Comments 8

Barbara Macchiella
11 years ago bocca al lupo!!!!
Stefano Bufalini
11 years ago
Grazie a tutti!
Crepi il lupo!
11 years ago
Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
Tous mes voeux !
Gabriella Fiabane
11 years ago
bravo Stefano!in bocca al lupo!
Tiziana Parziale
11 years ago
Marianna Merler
11 years ago
in bocca al lupo!

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