Coagulatio e dissolutio/non c’è solve senza coagulo
Exhibitions, Italy, Foggia, 09 March 2013
It 's the title of the exhibition which sees the return to the exhibition of the artist
Sinuhe from Foggia. The exhibition will be held at the Grey Hall and the Hall of the Palace Propylaia art of Foggia. On show are works from the 2011 to the 2013. At the Hall Grey seekers will find paintings of large dimensions research of the last expression. Will be held at the Hall Propylaia an installation entitled "invisible artist ... poet secret."
The exhibition at the Grey Hall and the Hall of the Palace of Art Propylaia of Foggia will be inaugurated Saturday, March 9 at 18:00 and will run until March 16.

Sinuhe from Foggia
Coagulatio and dissolutio / there is no clot solve
works 2011-2013
Grey Hall and the Hall of the Palace of Art Propylaia of Foggia
(via Galliani 1 - Tel. 0881.726008)
From 9 to 16 March 2013
Opening Saturday, March 9 18:00
Exhibition hours: Tuesday / Saturday 9-13/17-20

Comments 2

11 years ago
Cat Photographer
Tous mes voeux !
Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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