Participation in the movie "paradoxical effect" of Charles Fenizi
News, Italy, Foggia, 04 July 2012
The study of the artist and works from Foggia Sinuhe as a set and staging of some scenes from the movie "paradoxical effect" by director Charles Fenizi.

(... the synopsis of the film)
  Effect Paradox is a tale of Puglia.
The film was shot in di Puglia Orsara tells the story of Demeter, a young gray ingegnera leading a life dedicated solely to the work, nothing escapes his control.
Call from the town of a small town in northern Puglia for an expert opinion on a lot, to get away for a night. That journey on earth dauna cambierè the meaning of his life.
Demeter is suddenly thrown into a fairytale dimension, out of this world, the country presents itself as a micro magic, where the social rules and relationships are based on alternative models. Demeter is forced to stay longer than necessary because continuous movements can not allow it to do its job and discovers that the land in question is born Hypatia, a wild plant benefits from the amazing powers, unique and at the base of all locally . Disoriented, confused and disturbed by the reality that surrounds her, Demeter is put to the test. That dimension can bring down in her convictions and certainties of a lifetime and to uncover mysterious coincidences ..)
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Comments 6

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
in bocca al lupo
Giuseppe Ellul Cardone
12 years ago
Complimenti, veramente un evento molto importante, i miei migliori "In bocca a lupo"
Maria Cristina  Neviani
12 years ago
Una partecipazione importante ad un evento speciale...auguroni!
Sinuhe da Foggia
12 years ago
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Bravo et tous mes voeux !
gabriele parenti
12 years ago

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