Coagulatio e dissolutio/non c’è solve senza coagulo

Coagulatio e dissolutio/non c’è solve senza coagulo

Exhibitions, Italy, Foggia, 09 March 2013
It 's the title of the exhibition which sees the return to the exhibition of the artist Sinuhe from Foggia. The exhibition will be held at the Grey Hall and the Hall of the Palace Propylaia art of Fo...Read all

Discovery Memory / the future before

Exhibitions, Italy, Foggia, 12 August 2012
Discovery Memory / the future before works - installation of Hewa (Giada Di Brisco) and Sinuhe from Foggia Archaeological Museum - Bovino (FG) 12 to 31 August 2012 Vernissage Sunday, August 12 at...Read all
Discovery Memory / the future before

Discovery Memory / the future before

Exhibitions, Italy, Foggia, 12 August 2012
Discovery Memory / the future before works - installation of Hewa (Giada Di Brisco) and Sinuhe from Foggia Archaeological Museum - Bovino (FG) 12 to 31 August 2012 Vernissage Sunday, August 12 at...Read all
Participation in the movie "paradoxical effect" of Charles Fenizi

Participation in the movie "paradoxical effect" of Charles Fenizi

News, Italy, Foggia, 04 July 2012
The study of the artist and works from Foggia Sinuhe as a set and staging of some scenes from the movie "paradoxical effect" by director Charles Fenizi. (... the synopsis of the film)   Effect Par...Read all
Manifesto della  RetroAvanguardia

Manifesto della RetroAvanguardia

Critical texts, Italy, Foggia, 02 July 2012
"L’arte o è convulsa o non è" L’ARTISTA È UNA CREATURA GUIDATA DA DEMONI e non sa perché abbiano scelto proprio lui E’ CONTRADDIZIONE MA ANCHE COSCIENZA CRITICA PENSA CHE NESSUNO SIA IN GRAD...Read all