Death is fearless
It comes suddenly
It severs the blossomed flower
the dark figure approaches
thirst dries my mouth
drops of sweat drop
upon my chilly forehead
I hide my thought
I mock this short time of mine
I feign surrender
I stir and struggle
a scream rends the silence
I fill the room with verse
ray of light filters through the glass
ghostly visions fade
I rejoice in victory
Maristella Angeli
Work data
-Title: "I defeat death"
-Year: 2020
-Measures: 33x18x9
-Technique: acrylic, crystals, veils and fabrics
-support: paper mache
I am poetry and death will not have me, I will live among you with the colors of the wind, nature blooms in me, I sigh in the wind, my verses will reach you.
Maristella Angeli
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