Ego In Spectra
Exhibitions, Italy, Genoa, Genova, 17 June 2011

Since the dawn of the modern era, the tendency toward the self observation, toward the introspection, has progressively made its way among the artists, and by reflection the whole society. This notion would be enough to make people declaring they still not understand contemporary Art to change their mind. Despite this, with the attainment of a superior crypticism, the interpretation of the expressive contents has become necessary.

Many contemporary artists manifest themselves with a personal intimist language, or they describe a self-referential imaginary. In some cases this may be due to the necessity to sublimate passions and uneasiness, and in other to the difficulty to represent extremely deep, thin, abstract or metaphysical feelings.
In the first case, the introspection (the analytical course that passes through self) represents the necessary and one only way to avoid intolerable other options, the halt caused by the impossibility to go on, the contemplation of the past, the searching backward along the humanity's journey for that deviation from which we arrived to the actual condition. A stepping back that eventually will take to the ancestral origins.
And in those same origins there are the archetypes of the cryptic expression, which, in the second case, constitutes the predominant and peculiar characteristic of this Art that always originates in the arduous attempt to explain the intangible.


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