From Montmartre to Momart - 2015 exhibition -  13th June – 4 th July - Gallery Castellano Arte Contemporanea
Exhibitions, Italy, Treviso, Castelfranco Veneto, 13 June 2015
Contemporary Art Collective: painting.
Here are twelve artists who love to interact directly with the public by displaying their works in the most beautiful town squares in the Veneto region. Twelve artists who have now gathered in our gallery to act as “quality food” for the soul.

Inauguration: Saturday 13 June, 5pm

Artists: Alessandro Braggion, Luigi Carfì, Ezio Favrin, Antonio Gallina, Uber Gatti, Roberto Lando, Elena Sanzeri Marinato, Alessandro Stella, Gianfranco Scquizzato,
Elena Tonellotto, Silvio Zago, Cristina Zucchi.

Presentation: Luigina Mazzocca, with the artists’ own contributions

Aperitif courtesy of “Le Corti”, Via Roma 37 - Castelfranco Veneto (TV)

Catalogue avaible at the exhibition

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am – 1pm and 4pm – 7.30pm
It is also possible to make reservations outside opening hours.
info: +39 3480302605


CASTELLANO Arte Contemporanea
Via Roma.38 – 31033 Castelfranco Veneto TV
(500 metres from the train station)

This exhibition was born in town squares: it showcases Art and artists who have left the squares and open-air galleries to enter a “physical” Gallery. For some of them, this is the first time. And not because they did not deserve to display their art in a gallery, but merely because today’s Art “market” intimidates not only the public, who rarely crosses the thresholds of art galleries, but also those who produce Art. Even the mere act of stepping into a gallery to savour or reflect upon an exhibition seems like a luxury.

This collective exhibition was thus born when a certain artist began to introduce her artist friends to associations like Momart, “Vecia Padova”, Gattamelata, Circolo Arte libera, Mammart, Il Gradino. These were friends she had met and gotten to know in town squares, friends with whom she had shared town squares.
The “Exposition universelle de Paris de 1889” – aside from bequeathing to us the Eiffel Tower and the word Expo – contributed to bringing into the world’s spotlight many “street artists” who painted and exhibited “en plein air” in Montmartre. A comparison between Montmartre and Momart would probably be too extreme, but it is not extreme to say that Art is – and has always been – real food for the soul.

Alessandro Braggion, Este (PD) 1960. Painter. He is characterised by a style which can be described as three-dimensional – if not tactile –, indeed, a style that focuses on light and generates strength and volume even in a poppy flower.

Luigi Carfì, Padova 1978. Painter. Luigi is a naïf artist who paints a spontaneous, bright-coloured vision of the city and eschews traditional perspective. He depicts our daily life in a fable-like, poetic style which is only apparently joyful and carefree.

Ezio Favrin, Altivole (TV) 1951. Painter. His human, introspective research on existence and on the nature around him has led Ezio to develop an instantly recognizable style which is reminiscent of Van Gogh’s. His art conveys an external joie de vivre and a sense of belonging to his home country.

Antonio Gallina, Asolo (TV) 1935. Painter. Antonio transfers unto the canvas a language of aesthetic synthesis through his elaboration of colours and signs. In each artwork there is a moment in life, depicted with a disarming simplicity which tends towards harmony and balance.

Uber gatti, Rovigo 1953, lives in Orzinuovi (BS).
Uber employs organic and natural materials, juxtaposed with colour and personal creativity, to generate scenarios which prompt reflections on the urgent necessity to take action in order to save nature.

Roberto Lando, Rossano Veneto 1950. Painting, installations.
Roberto’s art is abstract and tri-dimensional. He adds musical instruments which become one with the colours or plastic castings he also employs. He projects constrained suffering or explosive joy – there is no middle ground.

Elena Sanzeri Marinato, Bologna 1938, lives in Castelfranco Veneto (TV).
Elena’s painting style is gestural and immediate. There are no preparatory sketches. She employs palette knives. For the most part, she paints faces: silent self-portraits which convey an inward reflection on her existentiality.

Gianfranco Scquizzato, Camposampiero (PD) 1954, lives in Piombino Dese (PD).
In landscapes and portraits, Gian Franco chases after an inner reflection which is close to the soul, a philosophical reflection on the path to follow in life, a path which is often interrupted, causing us to become lost and fall into a spiral of loneliness.

Alessandro Stella, Padova 1948.Painter.
Alessandro paints walls laden with the traces of past lives, glimpses of silence-filled architectures. His presence is tangible as he passes through – as the main actor – in the recollection of life experiences.

Elena Tonellotto, Piazzola sul Brenta (PD)1976, painter and decorator.
Elena loves France, especially Provence, with its nature and colours. This muse undoubtedly inspires all her artworks, whether on canvas, ceramics, furniture or walls.

Silvio Zago, Cavarzere (VE)
1946. Painter.
Silvio paints rural landscapes, urban clusters, canals, boats, bridges and calli as seen through the eyes of one who is not satisfied with their external beauty, but who seeks to uncover their inner traits, their soul.

Cristina Zucchi, Modena 1963, lives in Noventa Padovana (PD).
Painter. Cristina is a colour artist, in that she highlights the meaning of colour, whether she is painting abstract art, landscapes, flowers, fruit or “Angels’ wings.”

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