Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 01 December 2015
The exhibition "Exit" is composed by artworks of photography and paintings created by 10 authors from: Italy, Poland, Finland and Turkey.
What unites the works is the theme of the passage, transformation and the different outcomes that can arise from these.
A positive and "refreshing" exit is represented by Chiara Cadei and Marta Zylska, through them we come into flower gardens and fragrant. The first one portrayed a non-place of passage, where something is born for her. With the second photographer, however, we know the reality of the Polish public parks, eco-friendly places for community life.
We rest surrounded by the nature with Virpi Leinonen, which allows us to closely observe the melting of the ice: a natural transformation that show figures evocative and fascinating to the observer.
A hoped passage is that the turkish photographer Serdar Tepe wants. He imagines a society in which men and women exchange roles traditionally ascribed to them.
The transformation becomes escapism with Ludovica Lanci, who has created a series of photographs that represent the most common dependencies of contemporary men; these escapisms in turn require an exit-salvation.
Change is also a feeling, as shown by Emanuela Gregolin and Francesco Giardina: Emanuela, in fact, tells visually some phases of her career, trying to exceed limits and boundaries, not only in the artistic sense. Francesco, however, shows the feelings of fear, uncertainty and surprise in the female universe.
Again a woman is protagonist of the triptych by Damiano Serra: a girl running through a sense of oppression, from which she slowly emerges.
Through Francesco Fillini we open the reflection to the world of contemporary art. The symbolic title of his work, "The End of image society", indicates a metaphorical "black hole" as the departure of many elements.
In closing, the delicate vision of the elderly by Flavio Tecchio: two figures in black and white, symbols at the same time of the physical weakening and hope of peace and redemption to come.

“Exit” group show with artworks by: Chiara Cadei, Francesco Fillini, Francesco Giardina, Emanuela Gregolin, Ludovica Lanci, Virpi Leinonen, Damiano Serra, Flavio Tecchio, Serdar Tepe and Marta Zylska.
curated by Anna Mola annamola.wordpress.com
opening times: 1-10 December from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am. to 8:00 pm.
Vernissage: 1 December 6:30 pm.
Art center Imperium Artis www.imperiumartis.com
via San Giovanni in Laterano 228 – 232, Roma (metro B, stop “Colosseo”)
Tel.: +39 0670496106
mail: valeriadipofi@imperiumartis.com

Comments 1

9 years ago
andryoana Artist
Complimenti e auguri!

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