The Cavalhadas - Brasil
News, Brazil, Goiania, Goiânia, 23 March 2012
The Cavalhadas, considered one of the most expressive of Brazil, is a long ritual of three consecutive days, which a fortnight before preparations begin at the beginning of the Feast of the Divine, which is marked by the departure of Folia. During one week the riders gather in a field that is not the official trials for the races that will run in the three day event. These days, at four o'clock in the morning, Leather Band, formed by a saxophonist followed by several boys wielding rustic leather drums, performing songs melodious, walk through the city warning the population, and especially the riders, which is come time to get up, lowering the horses and go to trial. First, part of his residence the last rider of each of the twelve army and, following a hierarchy, going from house to house, gathering the rest of the troops, until, finally joins the army, the King

The hierarchy of the armies of Cavalhadas follows, both for Christians and for the Moors, the following order of twelve knights, have the highest rank in the King, below this we have the Ambassador and tracking down the ten remaining riders. The last knight of rank will rise only if death or withdrawal of any other up, so does the Ambassador, that only will become King if the King himself die or quit. After the two armies met, they follow in line of command, with the King forward to the house of a citizen who offered to give them a courtesy and respect, the morning breakfast, called "Farofa." This coming and going of knights riding through the streets, the Christian knights can not meet with the Moors, unless at the time of Farofa and later in the trial. In Farofa is served coffee, biscuits, juices, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and "Farofa" itself, derived from the ancient delicacy troops who leaked the interior, made of cassava flour and dried meats. Riders on this occasion, pray together and dance the Catira, a folk dance where you line up facing each other and the 24 riders, packed by guitars, tambourines and songs, clapping their hands and feet in rhythm and cadence typical. After the thanksgiving, which is made in the form of chants, the home owner who offered Farofa depart for the field test.

Comments 2

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
good luck
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Belles traditions :)

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