Folia de Reis - Festival of Kings
News, Brazil, Goiania, Goiânia, 20 March 2012
Festival of Kings

Suit of Flowers, a group of Epiphany Caetité-BA, December 2005Folia of Kings is a celebration of Portuguese origin linked to the Catholic worship celebrations of Christmas, brought to Brazil in its infancy in the formation of Brazilian cultural identity, and that even today remains alive in the folklore of many regions of the country. It features a profanity-religious part of Christmas Cycle, held annually from December 24 to January 6, when they are celebrations of Jesus' birth with various festivities and popular festivals: how congados, Folia de Reis, Empire the Divine Kingship of the Rosary and Good Shepherd.

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All were removed from the blogs of Brazil

Comments 3

Claudia jeanne
12 years ago
Thank you dear friends, I'm going through our regional culture lest it be lost in time.
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Tous mes voeux !
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo Claudia

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