Collective "September's impressions"
Exhibitions, Italy, Perugia, Sigillo, 12 September 2015
Collective Art Exhibition " September's Impressions" " from 12 to 30 September 2015 in the prestigious " Villa Anita " Sigillo ( PG ) .
The exhibition opening will coincide with the event " Art - Saporando - Art , Music and Flavours " .
The group is open to artists of all ages and nationalities , the town of "Sigillo" has made available this beautiful location in order to promote art in the territory .
Registration is free and no registration fee is paid by the artists .
They may participate in the works ; paintings, sculptures , calligraphy , installations , video , photography, digital art .
For information and inscriptions download the call for participation on the site
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Comments 6

9 years ago
Nury Artist
angela valentini
9 years ago
molto interessante!!!!
Matteo Cascetti
9 years ago
Grazie vi va di partecipare, siete i benvenuti;)
Lino Bianco
9 years ago
Lino Bianco Artist
Complimenti! Ciao,
cristina carcavecchia
9 years ago
Teresa Palombini
9 years ago

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