Liquid Connections
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 07 June 2014
From 7 june 2013 at the gallery Mondriansuite contemporaryartspace of Rome, way of Piceni, 41/43. Vernissage h. 19:00
This is a event of contemporay art: painting, sculpture, video, performance.
Event cured by Raffaele Soligo and Klaus Mondrian

Liquid Connections
In the contemporary liquid society the art is changed and now is light, receding, modular, extreme moved. The game, the application, the association, the interconnection are the paradigms of the style of life of the liquid modernity where is more important the speed of move who the capacity of stay much in a determinate place. The capacity of modular the own work and distribute it in a great space and in little time recompose it in a only place is a new valor, that as represent the realty with the games and with the constitutive elements the new virtual reality. The game and the bitmap who draws the “virtual game”, are connecting between their to find the own natural space in the applications who help the survival in a world now liquidly individualist. At the decontextualization of this elements, of which the actual modernity is addicted, there think the artist/designer of objects without function, or with a function pure representative, who mire at the catch of consciousness of a world now projected to a new style of life, where is more important the capacity of interaction who that of costruction.

Comments 3

Viváine Rebouças
11 years ago
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
Tous mes voeux !
Mirta Vignatti
11 years ago

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