OASIS International 2012 - Osaka and Rome
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 19 June 2012
OASIS 2012 Edition

After Fukushima, Japan tries to spread harmony. My hope is that this art event is to be added to the diary of a rebirth. Oasis International in Rome is a place to rediscover solidarity and smile. "Rome is a beautiful feeling to put your feet on the many layers of history, here are thousands of years ..." We live in an era of excess, in a society saturated with media, where the capture of a moment's attention is the result of a struggle, Oasis International, becomes strategic. "Rebirth" is the title chosen for the exhibition organized by the Roman Reijinsha in collaboration with Japanese Ministry of Culture, Osaka Region, UNESCO, Japanese Embassy in Italy, Lazio Region, Province of Rome, Rome City and offers an interesting compendium of works of Japanese and Italian artists invited to Pelanda. The works to be exhibited are the fundamental themes of art: poetry, mythology, history. They are like the flower of a plant, the culmination of a radiant incessant metabolism, the beginning of a renaissance.

Claudio Vagnoni
Art director of Oasis International 2012

Comments 2

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Tous mes voeux !

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