Giustino Caposciutti – WEAVING xBexReunitexConnectxLovexRevivexRebirth…
Exhibitions, Italy, Arezzo, 22 April 2016
PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release

Giustino Caposciutti - Aretine artist opens the celebrations for the project Stupor Mundi Simply Piero in the historical center of Arezzo
In honor of the 600th Birth anniversary of Piero della Francesca
we begin the festivities with an exhibit of participated art at Via Cavour 85 from April 22 to May 21, 2016

AREZZO – Friday, April 22 at 6PM, at Via Cavour 85, the exhibition “Giustino Caposciutti – WEAVING xBexReunitexConnectxLovexRevivexRebirth…” will open.

The exhibit contains approximately 10 works of art realized by Giustino Caposciutti during events of participated art in the last 25 years. We have chosen with much care to open our celebrations for Piero della Francesca with an Aretine artist of phenomenal success, above all for his gift to engage people, create happiness and enjoyment, as well as activate processes of relation and cooperation.

The exhibit is curated by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, Californian artist and founder of Via Cavour 85, and light designer Maurizio D’Annibale. At the opening reception, Friday, April 22 at 6PM, there will be a presentation curated by Igino Materazzi and Giovanni Nocentini, as well as the curator.

On Tuesday, May 10 at 7PM, an exciting collateral event is planned by the name of “TESSERE - AREZZO” which will take place at the Gozzari Palace at Via Cavour, 121. The evening also marks the beginning of a new monthly event proposed for the second Tuesday of every month entitled "ARTwalk + gastronomic tour." The event is organized by Villicana D’Annibale, in collaboration with Toscana Cultura, the Antica Bottega of Primo, Tortello Divino Ristorante, Trattoria Cavour 42 and La Cantina del Doc Trattoria. Danielle Villicana D’Annibale will introduce the evening, followed by a presentation of the project ARTwalk + gastronomic tour by Fabrizio Borghini, president of the Toscana Cultura Association of Florence and by art historian Liletta Fornasari who will present the project Stupor Mundi Simply Piero, a dynamic new proposal for contemporary art in Arezzo, in honor of the 600th birth anniversary of Piero della Francesca. At the events journalist Fabrizio Borghini will be present for the transmission of Incontri con l'Arte (Encounters with Art) on Toscana TV.

The project “Stupor Mundi Simply Piero”
This project is planned as a year celebration beginning April 22, 2016, and is composed of three components: 1) a series of exhibits of noted master artists at Via Cavour 85, 2) a series of monthly events by the name of "ARTwalk + gastronomic tour," the second Tuesday of every month, that begins from the Gozzari Palace and continues with an itinerant dinner on the street of Via Cavour in the following locations: the Antica Bottega of Primo, Tortello Divino Ristorante, Trattoria Cavour 42 and La Cantina del Doc Trattoria and 3) a final event at the convention center Arezzo Fiere Congressi in 2017.

The solo exhibition of Caposciutti may be visited, at free entrance, during the following hours: Tuesday to Saturday, from 4PM to 8PM, or by appointment; it will also be open April 30 and May 1 from 11AM to 8PM for the Fiera Antiquaria.
The exhibit and the event at the Gozzari Palace are free, while the monthly dinner every second Tuesday of the month is by reservation and payment. If you would like to participate or if you are an artist and would like to exhibit, contact us.

Brief biography:
Giustino Caposciutti was born in Civitella in Val di Chiana (Ar) in 1946. He earned a diploma in painting at the Academy Albertina of Fine Arts in Turin, city where he lives and works as an artist and educator.
His is a simple painting and at the same time cultured, that is inspired from the analytical movements of painting from the end of the sixties. His work has evolved with time, characterizing itself with existential and social messages.
If we intend for participated art to be an art that is defined through the contribution of a plurality of subjects, not only people, but also other entities, as for example the canvas, the nails, the wall, the light, Caposciutti for over two decades has been is one of the principal protagonists of this art form on an international level, thanks to the creation of events such as FiloArx, Arte Plurale (Plural Art), Weaving and Heart Art which have gained him recognition all over the world.

The last evolution of his work, BioSìArt, foresees for the involvement of subtle energies such as electromagnetic waves in the definition of the work which then gain therapeutic properties and environmental transformation.

“Giustino Caposciutti – Tessere xEsserexRiunirsixLegarsixAmarsixRisorgerexRinascere…” enjoys the collaboration of the Association Toscana Cultura, as well as the Media partner Toscana TV and is sponsored by Villicana D’Annibale, Villa Margherita a Paradise for Artists in Tuscany and Generali Italia S.p.a. - Arezzo Agency, Generali Agents Carlo A. Minozzi and Luigina Martinelli.

For further information, please contact Danielle Villicana D’Annibale at (+39) 338 600 5593 or at the following email:, or visit our website
Please follow and share with Danielle Villicana D’Annibale and Via Cavour 85 on Facebook @viacavour85Arezzo), Twitter @ViaCavour85AR), Pinterest (, YouTube (, Google+ (@Danielle Villicana D’Annibale) or by the hashtags #GiustinoCaposciutti, #Tessere, #DanielleVillicanaDAnnibale, #MaurizioDAnnibale, #LilettaFornasari, #FabrizioBorghini e #ViaCavour85.

Exhibit of painting and participated art

“Giustino Caposciutti – WEAVING xBexReunitexConnectxLovexRevivexRebirth…”.
curated by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale

Friday, April 22 – Saturday, May 21, 2016

Solo exhibit: Via Cavour 85 - 52100 Arezzo (AR), Italy
Collateral Event: Palazzo Gozzari – Via Cavour 121 - 52100 Arezzo (AR), Italy
Cell: (+39) 338 600 5593

Friday, April 22 at 6PM
At the opening reception there will be a presentation curated by the artist and by Igino Materazzi e Giovanni Nocentini
with the presence of the artist and journalist Fabrizio Borghini for the transmission Incontri con l'Arte (Encounters with Art) of Toscana TV

Tuesday, May 10 at 7PM - “TESSEREAREZZO – participated art” curated by Giustino Caposciutti
Introduction by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, Presentation of the project ARTwalk + gastronomic tour by Fabrizio Borghini, president of the Association Toscana Cultura of Firenze, followed by art historian Liletta Fornasari who will present the project Stupor Mundi Simply Piero

Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 4PM to 8PM, or by appointment; open on April 30 and May 1 from 11AM to 8PM for the Fiera Antiquaria

Artist & Curator / English Translations – Danielle Villicana D’Annibale
Cell: (+39) 338 600 5593 Web:
Light Designer & Installation – Maurizio D’Annibale
Graphic Project – Riccardo Terziani
Photographers for the events – Lorenzo Prodezza & Fabiana Laurenzi

Villicana D’Annibale, VILLA MARGHERITA A PARADISE FOR ARTISTS IN TUSCANY and Generali Italia S.p.a. – Agency of Arezzo, Generali Agents Carlo A. Minozzi and Luigina Martinelli.

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