750 years between Inferno and Paradiso passing through Purgatorio –  two group exhibits of painting and sculpture in honor of Dante Alighieri  1265 - 2015
Exhibitions, Italy, Arezzo, 05 September 2015
PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release

“750 years between Inferno and Paradiso passing through Purgatorio –
two group exhibits of painting and sculpture in honor of Dante Alighieri 1265 - 2015”
44 artists on exhibit in Arezzo from September 5 to September 17 and from September 19 to October 1, 2015

AREZZO – Saturday, September 5 at 6PM, at Via Cavour 85 in the historical center of Arezzo, the exhibition “750 years between Inferno and Paradiso passing through Purgatorio – two group exhibits of painting and sculpture in honor of Dante Alighieri 1265 – 2015” will be inaugurated.

In unison with the festivities for the 130° edition of the Saracen Joust, Via Cavour 85 will celebrate the 750th anniversary of the birth of the “father” of the Italian language with 44 artists, of which 35 are Italian and 9 international.

The exhibit, curated by Daniele Alfani and Professor Mario Belardi, enjoys the artistic direction of both Californian artist and founder of Via Cavour 85 Danielle Villicana D’Annibale and light designer Maurizio D’Annibale. The group exhibition is also honored by the participation of noted art historian Liletta Fornasari.

The first appointment, from September 5 to September 17, will include as protagonists: Daniele Alfani, Biffe, Gianni Bigoni, Liliana Borgia, Giuliana Casi, Daniele Dell’Uomo, Igor di Francesco, Romano Dini, Tetsuji Endo, Luca Ferrotti, Giacobbe Giusti, James Kleckner, Lilia Manneschi, Renato Marzocchi, Morigore, Dario Polvani, Maria Alejandra Sandoval, Dario Salvi, Claudio Sapienza, Roberta Sisti, Brigitte van Hellemond and Danielle Villicana D’Annibale.
The opening reception, Saturday, September 5 at 6PM, will be accompanied by “Nostra vita”… nostra barca: remare all’unison, music by Francesco Casini (voice and guitar).

Saturday, September 12 at 6PM, will take place the highly recommended collateral event, featuring noted Aretine art historian Liletta Fornasari, who will delight the public with the theme “The Influence of Dante and the Divine Comedy on the Renaissance”.

At the second appointment, from September 19 to October 1, the following artists will be present: Demetrio Vladimiro Andidero, Giulia Bucciarelli, Dina Cangi, Giuseppe Ciccia, Gianna Cocchi, Pippo Cosenza, Mària Magdolna Czakò, Michele Foni, Fljouza (Francesca) Gaisina, Susi La Rosa, Carmelo Lombardo, Lucjan Marku, Orlando Poggi, Cinzia Prosperi, Paolo Remondini, Armando Schiavone, Sara Sorrentino, Joy Stafford Boncompagni, Riccardo Terziani, Mario Valentini, Chiara Bigiarini Whitworth and Annamaria Veccia.
The opening reception, Saturday, September 19, also at 6PM, will be accompanied by the original music by Piero Nissim (voice) and Franco Meoli (piano), who will present “Around Dante. Poets set to music,” with texts of Maria Teresa d’Avila, Michelangelo, Lorenzo de’ Medici and others.

Saturday, September 26 at 6PM, always at Via Cavour 85, a new collateral event by the title of “Readings from the Divine Comedy” & “Parenthesis on Dante,” who will include the protagonists Professor Mario Belardi as well as other poets.

Professor Belardi will be entrusted the two presentations which will take place at the two opening receptions the 5th and 19th of September, with the presence of the artists, the co-curator Daniele Alfani and journalist Fabrizio Borghini for the transmission of Incontri con l'Arte (Encounters with Art) of Toscana TV.
The group exhibitions may be visited, at free entrance, during the following hours: Tuesday to Saturday, from 4PM to 8PM, or by appointment; it will also be open September 6 from 11AM to 8PM for the Fiera Antiquaria.
All the events are at free entrance and are accompanied by delicious refreshments.

“750 years between Inferno and Paradiso passing through Purgatorio” enjoys the collaboration with the Association Toscana Cultura, as well as the Media partner Toscana TV and is sponsored by Generali Italia S.p.a. Divisione Toro - Arezzo Agency, Generali Agents Carlo A. Minozzi and Luigina Martinelli and Villa Margherita a Paradise for Artists in Tuscany.

For further information, please contact Danielle Villicana D’Annibale at (+39) 338 600 5593 or at the following email: danielle@villicanadannibale.com, or visit our website http://www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com.
Please follow and share with Danielle Villicana D’Annibale and Via Cavour 85 on Facebook @viacavour85Arezzo), Twitter @ViaCavour85AR), Pinterest (pinterest.com/daniellevillica), YouTube (youtube.com/user/villicanadannibale), Google+ (@Danielle Villicana D’Annibale) or by the hashtags #DanteAlighieri, #750annibetweenInfernoandParadisopassingthroughPurgatorio, #Daniele Alfani, #ProfMarioBelardi, #DanielleVillicanaDAnnibale, #MaurizioDAnnibale, #LilettaFornasari, #FabrizioBorghini and #ViaCavour85.


Exhibit of painting and sculpture

“750 years between Inferno and Paradiso passing through Purgatorio – two group exhibits of painting and sculpture in honor of Dante Alighieri 1265 - 2015” curated by Daniele Alfani and by Professor Mario Belardi
Artistic directors Danielle Villicana D’Annibale & Maurizio D’Annibale

Present from September 5 settembre to September 17: Daniele Alfani, Biffe, Giani Bigoni, Liliana Borgia, Morigore, Giuliana Casi, Daniele Dell’Uomo, Igor di Francesco, Romano Dini, Tetsuji Endo, Luca Ferrotti, Giacobbe Giusti, James Kleckner, Lilia Manneschi, Renato Marzocchi, Dario Polvani, Maria Alejandra Sandoval, Dario Salvi, Claudio Sapienza, Roberta Sisti, Brigitte van Hellemond and Danielle Villicana D’Annibale.
Present from September 19 to October 1: Demetrio Vladimiro Andidero, Giulia Bucciarelli, Dina Cangi, Giuseppe Ciccia, Gianna Cocchi, Pippo Cosenza, Mària Magdolna Czakò, Michele Foni, Fljouza (Francesca) Gaisina, Susi La Rosa, Carmelo Lombardo, Lucjan Marku, Orlando Poggi, Cinzia Prosperi, Paolo Remondini, Armando Schiavone, Sara Sorrentino, Joy Stafford Boncompagni, Riccardo Terziani, Mario Valentini, Annamaria Veccia and Chiara Bigiarini Whitworth.

Group exhibit #1: Saturday, September 5 – Thursday, September 17, 2015 / Group exhibit #2: Saturday, September 19 – Thursday, October 1, 2015

Via Cavour 85 - 52100 Arezzo (AR), Italy
Cell: (+39) 338 600 5593

Saturday, September 5 at 6PM
Accompanied by “Nostra vita” … nostra barca: remare all’unison, music by Francesco Casini, guitar
Saturday, September 19 at 6PM
Accompanied by the music of Piero Nissim, voice, elaborated by Franco Meoli, piano “Around Dante.” Poets set to music (Maria Teresa d’Avila, Michelangelo, Lorenzo de’ Medici and others)
(At both of the opening receptions, there will be a presentation curated by Professor Mario Belardi, expert on Dante, with the presence of the artists, co-curator Daniele Alfani and journalist Fabrizio Borghini for the transmission Incontri con l'Arte (Encounters with Art) of Toscana TV. There will also be the presence of noted art historian Liletta Fornasari September 5 at the opening reception)

Saturday, September 12 at 6PM
“The Influence of Dante and the Divine Comedy on the Renaissance” curated by art historian Liletta Fornasari
Saturday, September 26 at 6PM
“Readings from the Divine Comedy” & “Parenthesis on Dante” curated by Professor Mario Belardi and other poets

Hours: Monday - Saturday from 4PM-8PM and by appointment; Sunday, September 6 from 11AM-8PM for the Fiera Antiquaria
Web: www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com/events

Co-curators – Daniele Alfani and Professor Mario Belardi
Artist, Curator & Educator – Danielle Villicana D’Annibale
Cell: (+39) 338 600 5593 Web: http://www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com
Email: danielle@villicanadannibale.com
Light Designer & Installazione – Maurizio D’Annibale
Graphic Project – Riccardo Terziani CopyService D/Sign (AR)
Press Office – Marco Botti
English translations – Danielle Villicana D’Annibale

Generali Italia S.p.a. Divisione Toro – Agency of Arezzo, Generali Agents Carlo A. Minozzi and Luigina Martinelli and VILLA MARGHERITA A PARADISE FOR ARTISTS IN TUSCANY

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