VOLARTE: Maila Stolfi & Annamaria Veccia painting Cristiana Cravanzola, Rino Giannini & Sylvia Loew sculpture
Exhibitions, Italy, Arezzo, 10 May 2015
PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release

Group exhibition of painting and sculpture on exhibit in Arezzo from May 10 to May 23, 2015

We are pleased to host in the exhibition space of Via Cavour 85 in Arezzo, “VOLARTE,” group exhibition of painting and sculpture of Maila Stolfi, Annamaria Veccia, Cristiana Cravanzola, Rino Giannini and Sylvia Loew from May 10 to May 23, 2015.

Sunday, May 10, at 6PM, four Italian artists and one international, originating from Prato, Sansepolcro, Alba, Pietrasanta and Brazil, will inaugurate their exhibition curated by Californian artist and curator Danielle Villicana D’Annibale and Michele Foni, President of the Compagnia Artisti di Sansepolcro.

The exhibit includes a selection of works, paintings created with various mixed techniques including acrylic on canvas as well as a selection of sculptures made in Pietrasanta with terracotta and marble, all shown for the very first time in Arezzo.

The official opening reception with the presence of the artists will be a special event with a presentation by Michele Foni, president of the art group Compagnia Artisti di Sansepolcro and co-curator of the exhibit, and will be accompanied by delicious refreshments including a selection of Italian products, prosciutto, cheese, wine and other tantalizing surprises. Florentine journalist Fabrizio Borghini will be present to interview the artists for the television transmission Incontri con l’Arte (Encounters with Art) which will air on Toscana TV.

The exhibit enjoys the collaboration with the Toscana Cultura Association and Media partner Toscana TV.

The catalogue, by the title “Volarte: Maila Stolfi & Annamaria Veccia pittura Cristiana Cravanzola, Rino Giannini & Sylvia Loew scultura” will accompany the exposition, which includes English translations, is available in three versions (integral, Volume 1 painting and Volume 2 sculpture), and are curated and will be presented by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale. The catalogues include a critical text by Michele Foni written for the occasion. The publications are available and may be purchased on the platform Blurb.

Michele Foni explains, “…it must be said that the authors are all inclined toward the individualization of a monolithic beauty, afoot of a definite line, of a convincing graphic mark, of a gestural art in the absolutely warm and exciting sculptural movement.” ¹

Danielle Villicana D’Annibale adds that, “As Foni states, this exhibit is beauty and color that literally flies … volare … in Italian, as spring in the wind, as a beautiful poem, structured but free, without limits in pure agility, beginning with nature and arriving to representation and man.” ²

The group exhibit may be visited, at free entrance, until Saturday, May 23, 2015 with the following hours: Tuesday to Saturday, from 4PM to 8PM and by appointment.

The exhibit enjoys the collaboration with the Toscana Cultura Association and Media partner Toscana TV.

Brief biographies of the artists:

Maila Stolfi was born in Prato in 1958, where she frequented the Leonardo da Vinci Institute. Her works are centered on walls, which she uses as screens to project memories and feelings of the past and the present. She has exhibited in various galleries in Florence among which the prestigious Literary Cafe Giubbe Rosse, where one of her paintings is found on permanent exhibition. Another work may be found in the Telesia Museum of San Roberto in Reggio Calabria. In 2014 she was present in Arezzo in two group exhibitions: Jewels of contemporary art - Made in Italy! during the fair Gold/Italy and for the LOVE of… photography, painting and sculpture: two group exhibitions in honor of the 150° birth anniversary of Alfred Steiglitz at Via Cavour 85. She lives and works in Prato.

Annamaria Veccia was born in Rome of a family of Venetian-Parthenopean origins and she has been residing in Sansepolcro (Arezzo) for many years, where she has her studio. She owes her artistic formation to Florence, city in which she achieved her diploma from Artistic High School and where she frequented some courses at the Academy of Fine Arts, life drawing section. Meeting master Pietro Annigoni was fundamental for her. After a period of research she embraced impressionistic and expressionist currents, devoting herself above all to the Tuscan and Umbrian landscape. Her palette is rich, where color predominates with energy. The brushstroke is determined without abdicating sweet lines and the desire to capture the moment. She has exhibited in Italy and abroad and has participated with success in various contests.

Cristiana Cravanzola was born in Alba (CN) in 1970.
She began her studies in Florence then continued in Carrara, where she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts.
She completed her formation in the artistic and artisan laboratories in the "city of Marble." The art of the Piedmontese sculptress is inspired by the observation of nature and the "reading" of reality.
Numerous are her group and solo expositions and the symposiums in Italy and foreign countries. Currently she lives and works in Tuscany, in high Versilia, at the feet of the Apuan Alps.

Rino Giannini was born in Pietrasanta (LU) in 1939 and grew up in the environment of marble manufacturing. After various experiences addressed toward sculpture, graduating from the School of Art of Pietrasanta (LU). As a professional sculptor he has obtained important public and private commissions in Italy and in foreign countries. In 1975 he became a teacher in Marble Technique at the Marble School of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, where he maintained the position for twenty years. He continues to sculpt at the Superior School of Sculpture of Pietrasanta and participates in symposiums and other figurative manifestations of all over the world (France, Spain, Greece, Switzerland, Israel, Lebanon, Syria and the United States).

Sylvia Loew was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She attended the superior school of industrial design in Monaco di Baviera and therefore took courses of art at the Museum of Modern Art in Sao Paulo, starting her career as a plastic artist.
In her native city, she frequented the studio of the potter Mestre Lelè, master in the art of the lathe, and she devoted herself to the Japanese technique "raku," participating in numerous group exhibitions.
In 1990, together with her family, she transferred to Genova, where besides the work in ceramics she ventured in the workmanship of marble.
From the master and sculptor Lorenzo Garaventa she learned the different techniques of workmanship of plaster, marble, and fusion in wax. Today she works in Pietrasanta in her private studio in Genova. The artistic production of Sylvia Loew includes vases and objects in ceramics and sculptures in marble and bronze.

For further information, please contact Danielle Villicana D’Annibale at (+39) 338 600 5593 or at the following email: danielle@villicanadannibale.com, or visit our website www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com.
Please follow and share with Danielle Villicana D’Annibale and Via Cavour 85 on Facebook (@viacavour85Arezzo), Twitter (@ViaCavour85AR), Pinterest (pinterest.com/daniellevillica), YouTube (youtube.com/user/villicanadannibale), Google+ (@Danielle Villicana D’Annibale) or by the hashtags #MailaStolfi, #AnnamariaVeccia, #CristianaCravanzola, #RinoGiannini, #SylviaLoew, #MicheleFoni, #FabrizioBorghini, #ToscanaCultura, #ToscanaTV, #ViaCavour85, and #DanielleVillicanaDAnnibale.

¹Michele Foni, “Volarte” in “VOLARTE: MAILA STOLFI & ANNAMARIA VECCIA pittura CRISTIANA CRAVANZOLA, RINO GIANNINI & SYLVIA LOEW scultura” by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale. Catalogue for the exhibit. (Blurb http://www.blurb.com//b/6175222-volarte-maila-stolfi-annamaria-veccia-pittura , 2015), p. 22-23.

²Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, “VOLARTE” in “VOLARTE: MAILA STOLFI & ANNAMARIA VECCIA pittura CRISTIANA CRAVANZOLA, RINO GIANNINI & SYLVIA LOEW scultura” by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale. Catalogue for the exhibit. (Blurb http://www.blurb.com//b/6175222-volarte-maila-stolfi-annamaria-veccia-pittura , 2015), p. 9.


Exhibit of painting and sculpture

“VOLARTE: Maila Stolfi & Annamaria Veccia painting, Cristiana Cravanzola, Rino Giannini & Sylvia Loew sculpture”

Sunday, May 10 – Saturday, May 23, 2015

Via Cavour 85 – 52100 Arezzo (AR), Italy

Sunday, May 10 at 6PM with the presence of the artists
and journalist Fabrizio Borghini for the transmission Incontri con l'Arte (Encounters with Art) on Toscana TV

available in three versions (integral, Volume 1 painting and Volume 2 sculpture)
“Volarte: Maila Stolfi & Annamaria Veccia pittura Cristiana Cravanzola, Rino Giannini & Sylvia Loew scultura” (Integral)
“Volarte: Maila Stolfi & Annamaria Veccia pittura” (Volume 1 – painting)
“Volarte: Cristiana Cravanzola, Rino Giannini & Sylvia Loew scultura (Volume 2 – sculpture)
curated by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale
available on our website http://www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com/books
and Blurb - (Integral) http://www.blurb.com//b/6189101-volarte-maila-stolfi-annamaria-veccia-pittura-cris, (Vol 1) http://www.blurb.com//b/6175222-volarte-maila-stolfi-annamaria-veccia-pittura , (Vol 2) http://www.blurb.com//b/6183498-volarte-cristiana-cravanzola-rino-giannini-sylvia

Hours: Tuesday - Saturday from 4PM-8PM and by appointment
Web: http://www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com
Web: http://www.ToscanaCultura.it

Artist, Curator & Educator - Danielle Villicana D’Annibale
Cell: +39 338 600 5593 Email: danielle@villicanadannibale.com
Light Designer & Installation – Maurizio D’Annibale
Graphic Project – Riccardo Terziani Copy Service D/Sign (AR)
Press Office - Journalist Marco Botti


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