Splash by Dina Cangi and The Guardian of the Memory by Franco Tanganelli
Exhibitions, Italy, Arezzo, 14 December 2013

Exhibit of painting and sculpture

Splash by Dina Cangi
The Guardian of the Memory by Franco Tanganelli

Saturday, December 14 – Monday, January 6, 2013

Via Cavour 85 - Arezzo

Saturday, December 14, ore 18:00
with the presence of the artists

CONCERT, Sunday, December 22, at 6pm
"Songs of the soul" - Arie, Lieder and original and traditional songs
by Piero Nissim, arranged by Franco Meoli
Piero Nissim, voice; Franco Meoli, piano and Maria Bruno, mezzosoprano

from December 14 to December 22
Open Tuesday to Saturday from 4pm to 8pm, or by appointment, and
from December 23 to January 6 by appointment only
Cell. +39 338 6005593
E-mail: danielle@villicanadannibale.com
Web: http://www.villicanadannibale.com

Journalist Marco Botti
+39 347 5489038

Riccardo Terziani - Copy Service D/Sign (AR)

created by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale
visible at http://www.villicanadannibale.com/books


Splash by Dina Cangi and The Guardian of the Memory by Franco Tanganelli
Abstract painting and figurative sculpture from December 14, 2013 to January 6, 2014
at Via Cavour 85

In Via Cavour 85 in Arezzo, Saturday, December 14, 2013 at 18, inaugurate the solo exhibitions Splash of the painter Dina Cangi and The Guardian of the Memory of the sculptor Franco Tanganelli.
The exhibition includes paintings in oil and acrylic and sculptures in wood and metal and will continue until Monday, January 6, 2014 with the following hours: from December 14 to 22 from Tuesday to Sunday, from 4pm to 8pm (closed Monday) and from December 23 to January 6 only by appointment.
Among the special events we report, Sunday, December 22 at 6pm, the concert Songs of the soul, with arias, lieder and traditional songs of Piero Nissim, arranged by Franco Meoli.
Piero Nissim will perform (vocals), along with Franco Meoli (piano) and Maria Bruno (mezzosoprano).

The last appointment of 2013 at Via Cavour 85 will have as protagonists the works of two Tuscan artists loaded with energy. Cangi expresses through color and abstraction, Tanganelli through dynamic creations arising from objects of recovery, in origin of daily use, that are reborn in the sign of contemporaneity.

Dina Cangi, will present twenty recent and unpublished works. A new series of paintings that, thanks to explosions of color and sincere emotion will illuminate the gallery of via Cavour during the festivities.
Aretine artist of a unique sensitivity and devotion, Dina demonstrates herself without limits, with a unprecedented naturalness.
Completeness, balance and depth have been achieved after a long pictorial research continuing over forty years and from an introspective phase marked by the use of more controlled color - with a prevalence of black, gold and beige - and passed to an unexpected chromatic flowering, almost to symbolize hope in a time of world crisis that seems to have no end.
Also some titles of the works are symbolic: The colors of the soul, Energy in freedom, The source of oneself, Flight in fantasy, Everything flows, Energy source, Chromatic emotion: all express joy of living and positive energy.
As Maurizio Vanni, director of the Lucca Center of Contemporary Art wrote: “We could define Dina Cangi as a hunter of memories being formed, a predator of life who, as Saint Augustine would say, lights up while hunting for things experienced, eyes filling with tears remembering emotions experienced through affections that only appear to no longer exist when in fact, like drops of snow, they will live on in her forever. With her paintings Cangi re-evokes experiences tightly bound to her own profound sense of existence in the eternal wandering of her mind and search for the reflected images of her spirit.”

Next to the paintings of Cangi will be exhibited some recent sculptures by Franco Tanganelli, which in one word we could define as "majestic". Magnificent sculptures that immediately catch the attention of the spectator for their strength and beauty.
The Tuscan artist, after a life dedicated to painting, has immersed himself in the art of creating sculptural works with clean lines and brilliant colors, such as those that will be on exhibit at Arezzo, all form part of a series called The Guardians of the Memory.
Queens and Knights, The Trojan Horse, The Ship of Ulysses, Popes and Kings, Winged Victory, The angels, The Sphinx and The Lovers are some examples. The sculptor creates an imaginary world - that can remind one of the saga of The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis - using forgotten objects fundamental for the farmer civilization.
Sometimes the sculptures of Tanganelli are made with wood left in their natural splendor, other times they are painted with colors of great scenic effect.
The director of The House of Vasari and art critic Michele Loffredo explains that Tanganelli "…parading not complications of content and is not pleased to articulate virtuosity academicians, but shifts the focus, through highlighting details, from the originating realism to the concreteness of the metaphor. As well as the series of sculptures of warriors to which he is dedicated recently, where reuse of agricultural equipment, of anthropological material, is assembled and reduced to figures of solemn presence…"

Brief biographies:
Dina Cangi was born in Arezzo, where she lives and works in the locality Chiani. After high school graduation she devoted herself to art by exercising, with a constant search for colors, lights, materials and surfaces, the practice of painting. She's passionate about anthropology and archeology.
The artist has a deep appreciation for the tradition and culture of the past, that tends to recycle, filter and return through the suggestions of her work, with the eyes and heart of those who live militant by the art of living in the state of being contemporary.
Since her earliest appearances in group exhibitions, reviews and competitions, Cangi has immediately obtained awards and critical acclaim. Since the Nineties she exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
To remember are the successes in Berlin, DĂĽsseldorf and Regensburg (Germany), Atlanta (U.S.A.) and Ghent (Belgium). Some of her works are part of public and private collections.

Franco Tanganelli was born in Castiglion Fiorentino (Ar) and at age seventeen, he settled down in Florence to complete his studies and follow his artistic vocation.
Realist Painter, he found in Guttuso the first maestro, yet also loved the art of Van Gogh, Picasso, and Bacon and experimented with every type of technique.
The first personal exhibition dates to the early seventies; then followed by a long activity in Italy and abroad, where he completed extensive stays in France and Great Britain.
In 1989 he fell in love with Sarna, in the Casentino area, and transferred studio and residence, followed in 1992 by Beatrice Rosai who became his companion of life and art. In 1995 the School of Sarna and the Cultural Association Castle of Sarna were born.
In the range of sculptural he has performed important public commissions especially in bronze, such as The Fountain of Life for the Foundation Order of the Camaldolesi Monks in Ponte a Poppi (Ar) and The Guardian of the Memory for the door of the Castle of Sarna.

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