Exhibitions, Italy, Arezzo, 04 May 2012




PHOTOS OF THE INAUGURATION-EVENTS-EXHIBIT:;media/set/R03;?set=a.383660171676577.8116R03;5.185025814873348&type=1


Friday, May 4, 2012, at 6PM, the Villicana D’Annibale Galleria D’Arte of via Cavour (Arezzo) is pleased to announce the inauguration of the exhibit of painting of Lorenzo Donati, entitled Vibrant emotions. The exposition, curated by Californian gallerist Danielle Villicana, will include a selection of 21 works of art by the Aretine artist with origins from Canada and Italy. The solo exhibition will continue, at free entry, until Tuesday, May 15, 2012.

On exhibit will be twelve Tuscan landscapes of small format and nine large canvases, a development from an earlier phase of work of the artist, of which he is gradually going towards gestual abstraction., and of rare effect. The curator defines Donati the “Aretine Jackson Pollock”, and his works of art are a kaleidoscope of Tuscan colors. Over the years, already with an inate chromatic sensibility and ability in design, the artist has synthesized, after years of research, a sort of personalized “action panting.” The layers of color, brightened by the light, find their fundamental role, giving life to the surface of the paintings rich in vibrant color. The final effect is an organic painting, which alludes to the joy of life and observation of the surrounding universe.

There is always something to discover in his paintings, combinations of colors to examine, poetry and music to hear. In his works of art, each centimeter could be a painting of its own. He creates an effect of decorative leaves, an organic painting and abstraction which exudes the joy of growing, living and observing the world around. Lorenzo began painting poetic particularly beautiful and colorful green gardens in 2005 which vaguely remind one of the naïf canvases of Henri Rousseau. Over the years, his painting continues to develop toward abstraction and his pictorial research evolves and observes, having begun in the macro, and step by step reinterpreting the micro and the essence of organic things, a “pictorial-biological” study all of his own of skies, plants, water and flowers, an uncontaminated purified nature.

Events during the exhibit:
Saturday, May 5, a7 6PM, the Villicana D’Annibale Galleria D’Arte presents a poetry reading entitled E l’amor! of Pablo de la Plata in Italian and Castiglian. The vibrant emotions of the paintings of Lorenzo Donati, united with the romantic words of Pablo and the suggestive accompaniment of the digital piano by Franco Meoli, will all together give life to an evening “caliente” to celebrate the month of May on via Cavour.

Brief biography:
Lorenzo Donati was born the 20th of September, 1956 at London, Ontario, in Canada of Italian parents. In 1962, his family returned to the province of Arezzo, where the artist works and lives today. Since 2005 he exhibits with success in Italia and abroad in expositions and contests and has received numerous awards. The technique he prefers is acrylic on canvas, but he also paints in oils and encaustic. He is an artist who experiments with different techniques and colors, which in the last few years has allowed him to create a personal language, not far from a gestural abstraction of great American painters of the second half of the 20th century.

The VILLICANA D’ANNIBALE GALLERIA D’ARTE strongly believes in the importance of giving opportunities for young artists to express themselves and create professional futures in the art field for young artists as well as the young in spirit. Whether you be a painter, sculptor, musician, or simply art lovers, there are a thousand of possibilities to get closer to traditional or contemporary art, whether it be local or international: join us in our events and activities, and you too will BE A PART OF CONTEMPORARY ART!!!

The sponsor of the event is VILLA MARGHERITA A PARADISE FOR ARTISTS IN TUSCANY, a project created by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, professional artist and gallerist from California, resident of Arezzo since 2005. The project has three goals: 1) to promote contemporary art, 2) to promote cultural exchange between American & Italian artists, as well as artists from other countries around the world, 3) to teach the techniques of mural and fresco painting, of which Danielle is an expert and teacher, and keep this splendid art alive.

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