ART TALK by Giuseppina Finizio
Interviews, Italy, Arezzo, 14 April 2012
INFO: 338 6005593 - -

At the VILLICANA D’ANNIBALE GALLERIA D’ARTE of Arezzo, from April 13 to April 15, 2012, will be on view the exhibit LITTLE ARTISTS IN SPRINGTIME, of young Aretine artists, students of the Middle School Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II°, Principle Luciano Tagliaferri. Approximately 100 young Aretine artists from the 6th, 7th and 8th grades will exhibit their works. Under the organization of teacher Giuseppina Finizio, the artistic direction of Danielle Villicana D’Annibale and the light design of Maurizio D’Annibale, the exhibit will inaugurate with a special opening reception Friday, April 13, 2012 at 6:00PM, with the presence of the young artists, the teachers and the Principle Luciano Tagliaferri. Giuseppina Finizio will speak about art, beginning from the Primavera of Sandro Botticelli to the work of the children, Saturday, April 14, 2012 at 6:00PM. Each day, the children will organize musical events. The works are on sale and the proceeds will be donated to “Adotta un Bambino a Distanza” (Adopt a Child from a Distance).

The Gallery VILLICANA D’ANNIBALE believes strongly in the importance of creating opportunities for young artists and enticing them to be interested in art, fresco painting, and contemporary art. The sponsor of the event is VILLA MARGHERITA A PARADISE FOR ARTISTS IN TUSCANY, a project created by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, professional artist and gallerist from Pasadena and Laguna Beach, California, resident of Arezzo since 2005, with three goals: 1) to promote contemporary art, 2) to promote the cultural exchange between artists from the United States, Arezzo, and other countries of the world, 3) to teach the techniques of mural and fresco painting and keep this splendid art alive.

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