Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, Cava de' Tirreni, 29 August 2014
Wonder what art is like asking what is life, so great is the conceptual and practical extension of human activities which operates under the name of artistic activity, and today, in this hyper, explain what the 'Art is even more difficult.

The artistic products created to survive their creator and they are enclosed in eternal spiritual values, resulting from the artist's personal experience about the social reality in which he lives or has lived or will live.

The artistic product comes from a creative act of the artist, who from ancient craftsman to genius par excellence has gone through in history, all walks of life and allowed him to create anything from an "object" that now exists and before no, the result of an idea born in a dark, mysterious, of his mind.

The artistic product is born, so from a creative act, implying always subversive concept of "creativity". The word creativity always includes the character of unpredictability, and everything 'is defined nice because it is what it is, spontaneous, original and generates individual responses.

The Art true, argued Leo Tolstoy in his book "What is Art?", Is the one that infects, which is capable of arousing in man that feeling of joy in spiritual communion with the artist and with others who cover the same work of art.

In this way, the art can stimulate peaceful coexistence among men through their free and joyful activity and can therefore help to suppress the violence, so that the feelings of brotherhood and love of neighbor, now accessible only to the best, feelings become habitual, instinctive in all.

And it is on this basis that took place in Cava de 'Tirreni, at the Mediatheque MARTE, the exhibition "BOOM", curated by Giuliana Sarno and Augusto Ozzella. "

The choice of naming "BOOM" the exhibition was obviously a provocative choice, because it is not just an onomatopoeic sound but also a term used in various fields that is colored various meanings.

BOOM, as breaking the silence, like cutting, 'was our interpretation. Seventeen (17 intentionally) artists, from different backgrounds and generation, which despite the diversity of styles and artistic temperament, give life to a symposium in which creative works are turning to the soul of the observer arousing emotions with their essence, lemma which plays the role of ex-no, that is not a being, in a world that threatens every day to be without emotion, without love, without culture.

"At a time of such great difficulty for our country, a country in crisis, which inevitably suffers also the cultural scene and artistic, in a real lack political culture that affects the lives of citizens and of course also of artists, critics, curators , gallery, spontaneously think of the previous periods in which culture and art have played an important role by breaking the silence and becoming a catalyst of energy. "

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