Ventre molle - Napoli come Rio
Exhibitions, Italy, Napoli, 14 September 2013
A traveling exhibition for a project that aims to create a bridge between two close yet distant countries , through art and its secrets , those who are learned in school. Mario Ferrante, Italian artist carioca chose Naples as the first stage of an ideal journey that will cross with his latest works, Monte Carlo, Berlin to reach Rio de Janeiro and lay the foundation for the establishment of an academy of fine arts that Brazil has not. From September 14 to 30 next Castel dell 'Ovo will host the first round of the exhibition curated by Augusto Ozzella, Mauro Pulzella and Massimo Rossi Ruben , under the patronage of the Embassy of Brazil in Italy, the City of Naples, the Academia Brasileira de Philosophy, the Province of Benevento, Italy Onlus of Mentoring USA and the U.S. ACLI. The works of Ferrante from 7 October next will be exhibited in Galerie L' Entreôt in Monte Carlo , in February 2014, the exhibition will move to Berlin in Berlin Galerie Georgia, and ends in Rio de Janeiro nell'Academia Brasileira de Philosophy .
"Naples and Rio - says Mario Ferrante - How to be a soft underbelly and always fertile , the two cities (note the extraordinary coincidence, produced by History ) have created their own" Suburbs " and live in the most intimate of their old town. The Spanish Quarter, redundant blunders , between the slits of "low" overflowing with life, on the edge of everything, like the favelas of Rio , perched on the hills that surround the sweet embrace in a spectacular bay and in the evening produce the "miracle " the transformation of the blood and guts full of unspeakable horrors in a crown of lights, poor lights stolen from the city, to illuminate the shacks of wood and sheet metal, adornante Rio as a bride ready to live their magical night ! "
" The painting of Mario Ferrante is the result of an overload of the dream in the dream that is reality itself.
Ferrante reveals pictorially the dream of all reality which takes charge , but that is denied to the casual observer .
What is real is already sufficiently dreamlike , as if that 's more to the painter to deepen the reverie of reality so being able to show in all its concreteness . - Writes the President of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy João Ricardo Moderno - The Art of Ferrante radicalized the dream of - the - world, transforming it into art, and thus awakens and reveals the reality numbed by the brutality of the world. Reality becomes more real the dream through art. In this sense, fantasy art is real and the real is fantasy. "
The exhibition will be accompanied by the projection of an interactive DVD, "Ventre springs, Naples as Rio ," Gennaro Rapuano , a young director originally from Benevento, who wrote and directed the story of two boys, who in their similarities seem to be the same person . They are the guys of the " soft underbelly ", the child of the Brazilian favelas and the Neapolitan street urchin of the Spanish quarters . Naples as Rio , or the suburbs in the city center . The associations between these two worlds so far away and yet so close , in fact so similar , there are many in the course of the video, the plan is that of a dream, or perhaps a memory of a past life , small flash , in which the most peculiar characters of the two cities are compared , chase each other and merge.
The place of the dream final , the anxiety from the work required to turn on the viewer 's curiosity . The protagonists of the video clips, they will teach us in the end that art is a very powerful , able to deliver us , both mentally and physically , from the constraints of certain realities .

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