The "San Sebastian Medici" by Andrea del Sarto. Work recovered by the Guardia di Finanza.
Exhibitions, Italy, Benevento, 02 April 2011
Inaugurated the exhibition at the Fortress of the Rectors' Medici Collection from San Sebastian "Renaissance with the board attributed to Andrea del Sarto, was discovered by the Guardia di Finanza after that, well for 180 years, they had gone missing from the Medici Collection of Florence.
The tricolor ribbon for outstanding cultural event, due to the cooperation between the Province and the Guardia di Finanza (Protection of Archaeological Heritage Group and the Provincial Command of Benevento), edited by the Department of Institutional Relations of the Province, was cut by Mrs. The Nunzia De Girolamo, the President of the Province of Benevento, Aniello Cimitile, Caesare Maragoni Colonel, Commander of the Guardia di Finanza of Benevento, and the Major Massimo Rossi, Commander of the Archaeological Heritage Protection Group.
The following were present: the prefect, Michele Mazza, president of the Court, Rocco Carbone, the provincial councilor for culture, Carlo Falato, vice president of the provincial council, Giuseppe Lamparelli, the Rector of the University of Sannio, Filippo Bencardino, as well as a large audience.
In presenting the exhibition, the president Cimitile said: "There is a historical heritage of Campania collapsing, but there is also a bell that turns the spotlight of the arts that you thought lost forever, and instead were found, from Italy on the one hand to change, one that does not believe having to invest in their own artistic heritage, the other beautiful Italy, one that believes in its own culture and heritage of the arts, with which Italy go into the future , composed of people like these men and women of the Guardia di Finanza, day after day, fight against the looting and dispersal of our historical and cultural heritage. It is they who now give us the emotion of this formidable San Sebastian by Andrea del Sarto. A work of extraordinary beauty, a perfect representative of the paintings of an artist famous for painting "without error". But also a work that is a milestone in the history of art because the great and sublime work of an artist who in turn marks the end of an era, that of the Renaissance and a transition to a new artistic trend, that of Mannerism . Still a work of great charm and intriguing attraction because there is still much to discover about 180 years in which they are untraceable.
Just as intriguing is the story of its rediscovery in the signs that were left on the panel are from the same artist, like the Medici seals and codes of auctions in which it was sold. A major event of art and culture that opens up a wonderful "spring Samnite" which continues in a few days with the exhibition "Sannio and Baroque" and the inauguration of new premises that expand our Museum of the Sannio. "
He took then the floor Major Massimo Rossi, Commander of the Group of yellow flame, to protect our artistic heritage, recovered the table renaissance.
The Commander explained briefly the survey in 2006 led to the finding and the reasons which led the Guardia di Finanza to present to the public after so many years. The works of art recovered from theft often must remain closed in the safe waiting for it to complete the litigation, however, said the Major, for the San Sebastian attributed to del Sarto has also been able to make an exception because of the excellent relations Sunni province of institutional and financial police.
"A saint is important, therefore, an important work and should be exposed in a venue as prestigious as the Rock of Rectors of Benevento - said the Major, because we know that is the Saint of the Municipal Police of the City."
Then they lost the word art critics and Marina Mattei and Fabrizio Ludovico Porcaroli, who has curated the exhibition catalog. Scholars have shown not only the historical figure of Saint Sebastian, but also the reasons that pushed them to attribute to the table Renaissance Andrea del Sarto.
Mrs. De Girolamo said he hoped that cultural events such as this show can be a driving force for tourism development of Sannio, while the commissioner Falato recalled the special bond between Samnium and San Sebastian, also testified by the numerous works of art dedicated to him and in the area.

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