Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 19 November 2016

The AUSER (University of the Third ETA ') never stops !!!
on November 19, 2016
a new event another meeting
VIA Sprockets 36 / 38- SALERNO- 089/221801
17.00 at the presence of Nino Savastano
They will be presented for wall-decoration works
artist Anna De Rosa performed at the venue,
which it is small and can not accommodate plants and has no windows,
then the artist along with the President and members Angela Colangelo has decided to paint them on the wall to give color and warmth to ... you're all invited!

Mural is a painting made directly on the wall, comes from the Latin word murus murals .I am not like other paintings, they have a different purpose, are public art, are created in public for the community which sees them, express the values ​​and memories of the community, adds artistic value to the location in which they are realizzati.Basta make a historical research to understand the importance of socio-cultural world citing the great expressiveness of masters such as Diego Rivera, Orozco, the Mexican revolution Siquieros.Per the paint on the walls has had a communicative function and didactic, wherever in the world the targets of the muralists were the overpowering governments, proponents of sociali.Oggi injustices murals are decorative, represent scenes of life quotidiana.Esiste a mapping of all the painted villages in Italy are: Orgosolo Diamond Dozza and close to us Faiano, Furore.
The murals constitute an exceptional tourist attraction!

Comments 2

Maristella  Angeli
8 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Congratulazioni, Anna!
Teresa Palombini
8 years ago

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