The show's title is inspired by the concept of art as research continues, in the sense of a gradual definition of the style of the artist. The research on the art is progressive and it never stops , it seems never find a term defined , even in the evolution of the times it looks like the process, which never finds expression last one, always opening up new possibilities , for which the art time is infinite and endless are the modes of the artist to pursue his own research , which identifies and through which he expresses his view of the world. Each stage , therefore, the definition of the artist's work can be important to understand his research, and every moment of art is unique.
Gabi Domenig with its figures neoespressioniste - figurative introspective Anne de Rosa - the informal works of Maria Irene Vairo - the sea with its eternal flow of Flora Malaspina , photographs solar Maranhao Leticia de Sa - Iron Elena with its suburbs metro - the magic of Anastasia D. Rapantzikou .
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